Harris to propose federal ban on ‘corporate price-gouging’ in food and groceries

Harris to propose federal ban on ‘corporate price-gouging’ in food and groceries


Posted by Novel-Weight-2427

  1. I thought price gouging was only during an emergency.  Is she planning on dictating what prices people can charge for goods?

  2. How quickly we forget that the nation had wage & price controls under Richard Nixon’s & Jerry Ford’s administrations. Jerry even had WIN buttons – Whip Inflation Now.

    They really squeezed hourly employees with those policies.

  3. This is needed because some of these grocery chains got ridiculous with the pricing. Kroger used to be decent but now they starting to do this foolishness too. So yes, I hope she gets some form of this proposal through Congress.

  4. I see the “both sides” crew is out in full force trying to cope with the news of yet another Dem policy that will actually help the average American.

  5. This really needs to pass. It has been a serious strain for myself lately to keep healthy-ish on the table.

  6. Good idea. Impossible to follow through on. These corporations will do it anyway, maybe get caught, pay a fine, and keep doing it. There are no real world consequences that will stop this behavior, as the corporations are the ones that are in control.

    Makes for a good campaign headline though.

  7. A real proposition for policy? And an excellent one too! Watch to watch how couch fucker Vance and working guy Trump react.

  8. But not for everything else? You CAN gauge for all things but food. It’s something important..but how abt all things?

  9. I’ve seen some European countries regulate certain staple foods so everyone can afford to eat. This sounds somewhat similar and would be good for Americans.

    Republicans will of course hate it bc they don’t want any regulation.

    But this regulation is to keep things fair.

    Let’s say there’s $1 in profit for buying a gallon of milk.

    Republicans want the corporation to get the full dollar.

    Democrats want to have the corporations make less than that and every day people to save a bit of that dollar.

    This is why what republicans want is so easy to explain. “No regulation” and so easy to fight “it’s socialism”.

    And what democrats want is more difficult because they have to figure out what is fair to corporations and individual Americans.

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