And suddenly, Biden is a human being again?

And suddenly, Biden is a human being again?

Posted by LakesideNorth

  1. I think Biden’s human-being-again makeover is just a clever ploy to distract us from the fact that he’s still trying to figure out how to use Snapchat.

  2. Destroyed his career?
    He peaked. He can retire and go hang out in Delaware and eat ice cream.

  3. The GOP is so desperate for there to be some drama and lack of unity among the democrats that they making shit up about how Biden was forced to step down. They can’t fathom someone doing that for the good of the country and party because they are all of them self center narcissists. There is so much division and backstabbing going on in the GOP that they are projecting that hoping to give the impression that there is also lack on unity among the Dems. The fact is that the Dems are united behind their candidate and the republicans are not.

  4. The fact that they abandoned the impeachment seconds after Biden stepped out of the race should tell you everything you need to know.

    #It’s not about justice or truth, it’s all about political power and nothing else. They have no morals or backbone, only lust for power.

  5. Lol destroyed bidens carreer? The dude is like 7000 years old and has been in politics for 4000 of those..What?

  6. If Kamala Harris wins this election, this may cement Joe Biden as one of the greatest presidents in history. No one would have dreamed he would have had the ability to set aside that power to ensure the continuation of his administration’s mission- this is a man who showed the world that he was genuinely committed to his vision for a better America, even if that means he could no longer lead it. He literally pulled a Moses. This will overshadow any criticism about his policy in Gaza or Afghanistan- which are two of the more criticized decisions he has made. One decision to step aside and that, my friends, is a mic drop.

    Here’s something that might be the best question to ask the MAGAs and GOP: Did you get royally punked? Is it even *possible* that he might have had this planned… for some time? Maybe not all along… but for some time? Did Joe Biden outmaneuver all of them by simply staying in the race past his due date on purpose- then drop back to have the fresh horse win? She’s going to continue his projects, ensure his legacy, and I suspect will credit him throughout. I don’t believe he has lost anything.

  7. If you guys want to keep running against Biden, go ahead. It’s not like we could think you were any MORE clueless.

  8. Last I saw, Biden took the weekend off to relax at his beach house, play with his dogs, and not give a fuck about Trump. Kamala is kicking Trump’s ass. It’s time for some ice cream and a well-deserved nap.

  9. You can’t destroy an 81 year olds career. Biden had a storied career, and a successful presidency (in terms of legislation, frankly astounding) which he capped by stepping aside for the good of the country when he already had the nomination, something very few presidents have ever done. Fucking legendary.

    But sure, Fox, try to pull some heartstrings for poor Biden.

  10. Biden said before he was even elected that he only wanted to serve one term, but sure, demonize us for destroying his career.

  11. They’re kinda right, people pushed Biden to retire. But he still did so willingly, and make no mistake, they’re not complaining because they feel it’s unfair towards Biden: they complain because their whole strategy was aimed squarely at Biden and now that he’s gone, it showcases just how ancient their own candidate is.

    “It’s unfair because now that he’s leaving, we’re losing!”

  12. Stpp. Its not like he had heel spurs. He’s retiring after a life of selfless service to this nation and we appreciate it and will honor him.

    People forget that he was done and only ran in 2020 because Trump was such a piece of shit. He’s tired. Time for someone else to step up.

  13. Just like their concern trolling for Jews: “they did not choose Shapiro as VP, so they just be antisemitic”. Oh yeah? How many Jews do they have in the Republican ticket? And of course, Kamala is married to a Jew 🙄

  14. An old man admitted he was old, and announced his retirement plans. Other old men should take notes.

  15. 36 years in the Senate.
    8 years as Vice President.
    4 years as President.

    Career destroyed because he doesn’t get 4 more years as President.

  16. It’s a decent way to capitalize on boomer fears of being marginalized due to age and declining faculties. Also they “knew” they could beat Biden. They’re scared now

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