Desperate Donald Trump shakes Tic Tacs to mock Joe Biden despite POTUS quitting race 3 weeks ago

Desperate Donald Trump shakes Tic Tacs to mock Joe Biden despite POTUS quitting race 3 weeks ago

Posted by SubstantialSnow7114

  1. He’s out of material. Bottom of his barrel. He’s failing and asking his sheltered kids for help, spoiler alert they aren’t going to help at all.

  2. Great, that settles it. I’m not voting for Joe Biden in November! Keep wasting time attacking a guy not in the race, stupid ass!

  3. LOL he lost it all…what happen to his handlers?…The hall only holds 2800 people..There is larger venue a mile away that holds 8000 but his people feared seeing empty seats would set him off even more.

  4. How is a man who is incapable of pivoting to face a different opponent in the election going to be able to deal with the bevy of issues he will face as POTUS on the world stage? The creepy, old, weirdo isn’t fit to run our country.

  5. So the choice now is

    Fresh breath for your corpse 🧟‍♀️ w tictacs (trump)
    Affording your medication 💊 to live.
    Lowered drug prices.

  6. Master strategist. Soon, he’ll let loose on Hillary’s emails, and the democrats will really be in trouble! Oh wait, it’s 2024.

  7. Has Tic Tacs sent him a cease and desist yet like all the musicians?

    Of course he pics the flavor that’s all white.

  8. Has it only been 3 weeks?

    He’s been in such a great death spiral and I’ve enjoyed it so much it seems longer.

  9. Everything was based on one thing, Biden being old…Trump cannot fathom any other opponent. He’s literally stuck and unwilling to adapt…to the point of filing lawsuits to keep Biden on the ticket…

    …the Democrats can easily troll Trump here.

  10. Didn’t he say he pops a tic tac before he sexually assaults women? It’s on the grab em’ tape

  11. Yeah don, we get it! But Joe did the honorable thing and stepped aside. Time for you to do the same!

  12. Trump is a wackadoodle nutjob. And thank God he’s batting for the Republicans. They can have every piece of him.

  13. Have y’all seen the split-screen video of Trump attacking Harris with the same exact phrasing & nicknames as he used against Biden? I think it was made by the folks at the Daily Show.

  14. His campaign plan was all attacks on Biden, that’s it. He doesn’t have policies or platforms, doesn’t have any message of unity, hope, or any bipartisan plans, just vile attacks. 

    With Biden out, he actuality has *nothing*. He already spent money on anti Biden ads, already spent money on writers to give him anti Biden jokes and punchlines, he simply has nothing left.

  15. This was the rally where he started out in a mocking tone saying he was supposed to be talking about economic policy.

    It still baffles me we’ve gotten to the point where a candidate’s approach is almost entirely to insult the other candidate like a middle school kid would do. “I’m not weird. You’re weird”

  16. It says a lot about someone if you have to continually belittle those around you to feel superior.

    It’s some form of counciling this fella needs not the most responsible/powerful job in the world.

  17. Melting down as the hours “tic” off till he is banished. Aren’t Tic Tacs what he popped before he made the infamous grab em by the pussy statement?

  18. “Look, look at my tiny tiny hand and ill fitting suit with giant diapers shoulders!!” Fuck off demented fuck don’t survive the night.

  19. LMAO, when your hate is already on track and you don’t know how to redirect that hate…

  20. Who the fuck has been buying TicTacs the last 20 years? Is there a more 80s-early 90s product? 😂

  21. He has no material for Harris, so he has to fall back on something to hear himself talk for an hour I guess.

  22. Lmao! He literally can’t pivot to a new candidate?!? How was he able to be president when the fucker has that little adaptation skills???

  23. Lmao this is why the old fuck was being whiny about their campaign material suddenly becoming outdated as it was all targeted towards Biden. Apparently the new material is still a work in progress?

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