Who’s the weirdo now???

Who’s the weirdo now???

Posted by semaforic

  1. If this ends up being real…. Wow trump is going to blow a gasket he has this guy as his running mate

  2. Thing is, a lot of this is just normal teenager-young adult behavior and is completely innocent and I’ve no problem with it. But, it’s his side who does have the biggest problem with it and it’s him who stoking the anger. These people sure do love to hate themselves

  3. Lmao, he was the “sensitive friend” that the girls knew would find a nice boyfriend once he got to college

  4. Girl in the middle looks like she’s already been working an office job for eight years.

  5. WAIT A MIN here I thought they didn’t like when people didn’t use the bathroom of their birth gender? Thought that was a SIN

  6. I don’t think anything we did in highschool or college should be held against us into adulthood.
    We were all stupid and we know it.

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