Crowdsourcing Russia’s Future: Poll Of Experts Considers What Comes After Putin

Crowdsourcing Russia’s Future: Poll Of Experts Considers What Comes After Putin

Posted by HooverInstitution

  1. SS: At *Radio Free Europe*, a group of international experts consider the hard-to-imagine possible future of Russia after the end of Vladimir Putin’s reign. From the piece:

    >Despite the difficulty of thinking “beyond Putin,” Systema — RFE/RL’s Russian investigative unit — posed this question to more than 150 leading Russia experts, including political scientists, sociologists, and journalists from Russia, the United States, and Europe. Over 40 agreed to respond and were asked what the most likely scenarios for a transition away from Putin are and who might end up succeeding him…

    >Sergei Sanovich, a Hoover fellow at Stanford University, said he thinks it likely that a political transition in Russia will not happen until 2036, the end of Putin’s potential sixth and, under current legislation, last term as president.

    >”If it happened now, I’d put my money on the younger Patrushev,” he commented. “But I don’t think it will happen earlier than 2036, at which point Dmitry Patrushev will be about 60. That means it would be someone younger.”

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