Posted by stars_doulikedem

  1. I don’t really see how this can end in a good way unless they distribute two medals. The Romanian was stolen from her medal by the Americans (according to the rules, and if the “4 seconds too late” claim is true, which doesn’t seem to be denied by any party).

    Why does it seem every puff piece out there favours the American, as if they were stolen by Romania? The Romanian athlete deserves her medal as well, and they’re trying to strip it from her. Let’s remind everyone that the romanian was already stripped from her medal once during the competition, apparently unjustly. And they want to do it again?

  2. Looking just at the sporting merit the other romanian gymnast, Sabrina should have won!

    But we have a massive clusterfuck and the girls were just caught in the middle!

    All the support for Ana, Sabrina and Jordan!

    This message got me banned on r/gymnastics.

    Their mental gymnastics around the us athletes is unbelievable !

  3. They really did all 3 of the athletes wrong. The 2 Romanians and Chiles.

    Their job as athletes is to train and perform to the best of their incredible abilities. They each did their job and some.

    Because of judges errors and some unreasonable rules in the appeal process for points; all 3 athletes are the ones who suffer.

    Personally i would be ok with all 3 athletes getting bronze. They did their jobs; It was arbitrary systems and rules that failed. all 3 are incredibly talented and despite the unbelievable level of competition at this level; it still is just a sport.

  4. They took her medal away because someone with a lower score protested.

    Grade A bullshit.

  5. Wait so did they submit the protest before or after the 1 minute mark? It was shown that it was submitted before right?

  6. Why can’t these judges have some sportsmanship like the athletes and give them the bronze medals?

  7. Leave aside all the protest, appeals, time out and so on.

    What order would the athletes be placed if their routines were all fairly and accurately marked? I understand this affected the athletes ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th?

    *Seemed like a pertinent question. Why are people downvoting it?

  8. It would have been a fairplay statement if she had mentioned the fact that the Bronze shoyld have been awarded to mrs. Voinea!
    Missed the chance to be a true sportswoman!

  9. She’s a bigger person than me. I’d be pulling some Andrew Jackson shit: “The CoA has made their ruling. Now let them enforce it.”

  10. Extremely disingenuous response from the public on this statement. Right after the final people were scrutinizing the comments the romanian gymnasts liked on instagram in order to do push the argument that ‘you accused the american of stealing your medal how very poor sportsmanship’ and right now, when the american is accusing plain clear that she was ‘unjustly stripped of her medal’ everyone is commending her.

    Furthermore, people went in an uproar and heavily criticized that the romanian gymnasts did not make posts calling out the american getting racist comments but in this statement the american makes no mention of the hate comments towards the romanians and yet the public mentions nothing of it.

  11. Being so forgiving when an entire country has shit on you lmao

    And the their (loser) gymnast..who everybody knows wouldn’t dare show Jordan the same respect or grace it’s hilarious but alas…

  12. A lesson in grace, surely. What a way to handle this well Jordan.

    But also fuck this entire situation and I cant wait for the court proceedings.

  13. Making “every effort until justice is done” would be fighting for Sabrina to get the score she deserved.

  14. A modern day “attenzione attenzione pick pocket!”. Hope the us Olympic committee doesn’t let this go.

  15. The score protest is absolutely fine. The scoring process doesn’t make sense, so it’s going to lead to confusion and conflict. The athletes didn’t do wrong, their coaches didn’t do wrong. This is a judging error that doesn’t feel right for anyone. Unless a major rule is broken, medals shouldn’t be taken once announced. Award additional medals.

  16. Very nice PR statement to say “Olympic Gymnastics fucked up and we have the proof”

  17. Honestly, they should just pull up the recordings of this entire match and rewatch it. Many mistakes were made by the judges.

    What I do not understand is the hate directed to the athletes and their coaches, while clearly it is the judges and the olympic body being at fault here.

    Some simple things that could have prevented this shitshow would be displaying the approved difficulty before and during the performance + allowing recordings to be used to double-check if a fault was made or not.
    Also add some judges that only watch these recordings to give feedback to the main judges. A fault should only be appointed when both agree that one was made.

    This could lead to some delay in showing points, but honestly I think most would be fine with that if it would mean that fairness would be guaranteed.

  18. Any scenario short of giving all 3 bronze medals to the girls is asinine. The Olympics should take their L and walk away.

  19. “Finding joy again has been a culture shift” line sounding like a campaign endorsement

  20. “I have no words” Continues to write 3000 word essay.

    But seriously, she 100% deserves the bronze. Even if she never gets it back “officially” we all know what happened.

  21. If she wants actual justice she ought to be campaigning to regain her status as 4th place considering that is exactly what place she would have gotten had there been no judging errors.

  22. They should all just sue the ioc and ask for a bronze medal tie for all and a big sum for the shitty situation they had to go through.

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