Desperate Trump Tries to Lure Biden Back Into The Race In Pitiful Truth Social Meltdown: ‘They Stole The Presidency From Him!’

Desperate Trump Tries to Lure Biden Back Into The Race In Pitiful Truth Social Meltdown: ‘They Stole The Presidency From Him!’

Desperate Trump Tries to Lure Biden Back Into The Race In Pitiful Truth Social Meltdown: ‘They Stole The Presidency From Him!’

Posted by inewser

  1. It’s absolutely fucking comical to hear him thrash around in fear.

    Like fucker you called for biden to step away from the election and then he did.

    Now trump wishes he’d kept his big flapping mouth shut and just let things play out.

    Pretty typical bullshit from the head bullshitter.

  2. I guarantee Trump thinks Biden’s gonna walk out on the DNC Stage and challenge Kamala Harris to a title match like it’s WWE.
    Because of all the things that make him unfit to be president, we can add: thinks professional wrestling is real

  3. Imagine shilling for a child rapist – weird!

    I think the important questions to ask are –

    How many felonies has he been convicted of?

    How many millions in fines for fraud does he owe?

    How many children did he rape during his decades long friendship with Epstein?

    How many porn stars has he paid off?

    How many foreign prostitutes has he married?

    How many times did he try to overthrow the govt with violence?

    How many top secret documents has he stolen and sold?

    How many times has he been convicted of rape?

  4. Oh, Joe-sie
    Well, you came and you left my heart aching
    But I sent you away
    Oh, Joe-sie
    Well, you dropped me and kept me from breaking
    And I need you today
    Oh, Joe-sie

  5. This reminds me of Pet Sematary 2’s quote,” Dead is better!Dead is bettttter!!!” As the zombie woman thrashes around in a burning room, unable to convince her living son to join her.

  6. The concept of doing what’s best for your country and your party clearly does not resonate with someone who only cares about himself, and nobody else.

  7. He’s beginning to resemble a three-year-old – wearing diapers, whining – when is he gonna’ start drooling?

  8. I would love if Biden came out and said something Along the lines of

    “There’s no theft, I’m old, I’ve done what I can and now im through.”
    Then endorse Kamala again and ask Trump “arent you tired too? You look tired my friend”

  9. Desperate Don. Diaper Don. Drama Queen Don… the nicknames keep rolling in every time he speaks.

  10. Biden is going to step down as one of, if not the most successful single term presidents in history. He also handed us his great vp as a candidate, giving us the opportunity to have a democratic president for 12 years straight. They didn’t steal anything from Joe, he’s going out on top. Trump will be remembered as the exact opposite of Joe. Worst single term president, possibly worst president of all time, unable to go away when it was time.
    Harris 2024.

  11. At this point Trump is more upset about Biden dropping out than Biden ever was. I’m really interested to see if Trump finally makes the pivot to actually attacking Kamala but I doubt it. She doesn’t have the very public history of Clinton, and she doesn’t have the baggage or the age of Biden.

  12. trump will never understand what Biden actually did. Sure, he probably figured dropping out would give dems a better chance of winning in November, but what trump will never understand, which is why this weirdo is trying to taunt Biden back into the race, is Biden put his country before himself. I can’t imagine doing such a thing while at the same time coming to terms with how old you are and what age is doing to you.

    Yes, Biden wants the win for the dems, but it isn’t a personal win to him. trump, on the other hand, wants to stay out of jail

  13. “They stole his presidency…” about a man that’s in his fourth year of being president?

  14. The fact he’s taunting Biden and simply begging him to come back shows just how much he doesn’t get what Biden did

    Biden put country before himself, something trump hasn’t nor will he ever do

  15. Stole the presidency… you mean like the James Comey stunt that stole the presidency from Hillary Clinton?

    Fuck your feelings fat bastard.

  16. Trump in 2020: “The election was stolen from me!”

    Trump Now: “They stole the Presidency from Biden!”

  17. 😂 Dementia don old is getting worse by the hour. He is such a weird creepy felon pedophile racist pos

  18. Last I heard, Biden is still POTUS. He resigned from the ticket ,not the job. You decide not to reenlist, nobody ‘took’ your rank. But of course, that doesn’t fit his headcannon. Weird old dementia patient gonna be weird and old <shrug> What ya gonna do?

  19. Register and VOTE for Harris/Walz. Help as many others as you can to do this as well.

  20. That Biden/Trump debate was an absolute blessing in disguise. I don’t think anybody thought people would rally behind Harris so quickly!

  21. This is exactly why all his companies go bankrupt. There was never an ounce of leadership skill in this melted bag of shit.

  22. Desperation looks good on your orange face … actually I must take that back NOTHING LOOKS GOOD ON THIS CLOWN

  23. So did he want him to drop out or did he want him to run? I’m guessing donOLD doesn’t like that he’s the old, senile candidate now?

  24. He’s obsessed with Biden. I’m choosing to read this as a tragic unrequited love story.

  25. Surprised he didn’t say “stollen” again. That used to crack me up. Everything was a sweet holiday bread for a while there. The election was “stollen,” the ballots were “stollen,” the presidency was “stollen.”

    He’s such a goddamn moron. Only thing dumber than him are the idiots who vote for him.

  26. Trump doesn’t make any sense. Trump claims he was going to beat Biden, right? So whether Biden runs or not, his last day as president would be the same day regardless.

  27. Wait but I thought he wasn’t the legitimate president because it was a rigged phony election? Hmmmm. Guys I get the feeling this Trump fellow isn’t on the up-and-up.

  28. Concepts like loyalty to ones country or political party are completely foreign to him. He can’t comprehend someone doing something that isn’t solely for their own benefit.

  29. Trump is decompensating in real time.

    The more desperate he gets, the more outlandish things he does and the further he’ll fall in the polls.

    Even before the election, is the NY state 34 felony sentencing on Sept 18th. SCOTUS already denied his plea to delay.

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