Thousands Sign Christian Petition Rebuking Donald Trump: ‘Horrified’

Thousands Sign Christian Petition Rebuking Donald Trump: ‘Horrified’

Posted by z8675309z

  1. Perhaps Christians are now realizing (waaay after everyone else did) that associating with DJT demolishes any moral credibility they may have had?

    Seriously, if you are a young person genuinely wanting to live a moral life and are seeking guidance, and you see that Christians embrace Trump with open arms, would you seek out their counsel on any matters of virtue?

  2. So what was all that golden idols they made of him? What was with turning blind eye to his rape and extramarital affairs? Better late than never

  3. There’s no hate better than Christian love.
    Ghandi:” I love your Christ, your Christians frighten me.”

  4. “Yes, sit down, sit down, we’ll have this figured out in a moment,” says Saint Peter. “You say you’re a Christian, but I don’t find you on the list. Can you give me an example of your Christian acts?”

    “Yes. I signed a letter rebuking Donald Trump for being a poor Christian.”

    Saint Peter stops and puts down his pencil. “There it is. And this Trump fellow, did he not promise to harm the downtrodden in numerous ways, reducing help for the poor, building walls, and so on?”


    “But you voted for him anyway, did you not?”


    “That’s blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the Unforgivable Sin. God removed you from his list, we don’t even know who you are now and never will.” (Pushes button and the floor drops away.) “It’s Hell for all eternity for you.”

    “But… the Mexicansssssssssssssssssssssss….!”

  5. What do they have to say about the millions of supposedly “good Christians” who not only vote for this rapist, insurrectionist sexually perverted convicted felon but literally worship him as their Orange Jesus? The evangelical movement has nothing to do with religion – it’s a hateful domestic terrorist group! Where’s the petition calling the evangelicals full of shit?

  6. Offshore betting has been updated to have Harris a 7-5 favorite now. 9 weeks ago trump was 3-1 favorite. Whoever running that side of the aisle must be an idiot.

  7. >Thousands Sign Christian Petition Rebuking Donald Trump:

    ~~’Horrified’~~’Holy fuck! We just now started paying attention!’

  8. I’ve known Trump, indirectly, for a long time. And he was never Christian. Then one day he suddenly says he is Christian. Someone should look into that.

  9. I consider myself a Christian. I don’t agree with religion because i believe it’s man manipulating gods word and nothing drives that point home more than conservative fundamentalist Christians. Trump is the opposite of everything you’re supposed to be, he’s *unironically* an adulterer, lustful, incestous, greedy, gluttonous & blasphemous. Not to mention his supporters unironically idolize him and prop him up as a god. If you know even the basics of Christianity Trump aligns alarmingly close with the anti christ. Nobody is a worse advocate for Jesus Christ than conservative Christians.

  10. Too little too late Christians. Where were you when he was in office. Live with your choices

  11. Too little too late. Fuck the fascists that want to try and pretend like they were duped.

  12. Now they’re horrified? What were they thinking in 2015 and 2016? It’s all fun and games until we’re all in a gulag.

  13. I’ll bet many of the signatories voted for the Convicted Felon in 2016, 2020, and in the Republican primaries of 2024.

    Hypocrites, each and every one of them.

    “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” – The Mahatma Ghandi

  14. LOL– now that he’s losing christians are horrified.

    Silver lining time: the last 8 years have revealed just how seriously christians are about their faith when it competes with self interest. Good luck getting your momentum back.

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