Taliban deliberately deprived 1.4 million Afghan girls of schooling, United Nations agency says

Taliban deliberately deprived 1.4 million Afghan girls of schooling, United Nations agency says


Posted by Exastiken

  1. I mean, yeah. Did anyone expect anything different? I’m obviously biased, but while the US occupation sucked and was a massive drain of resources (and led to an inexcusable amount of dronestriked weddings), the taliban in many ways are stuck in the Middle Ages. I read an article a while back about how a bunch of college educated afghan women are committing suicide in horrific numbers, since there’s nothing left for them in Afghanistan. I sincerely hope the Taliban can modernize / reform or be replaced so that Afghanistan can stop being the worlds example of a horribly backwards place.

    Is it better to know how good life could be, but be unable to do anything to change it, or to not know and live in blissful ignorance?

  2. Is this news? I thought everyone who cared even a little about the situation in Afghanistan was aware this was the case immediately after they seized control of the country. The fact that the number increases over time is not news.

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