Is Ukraine’s Kursk incursion grinding to a halt?

Is Ukraine’s Kursk incursion grinding to a halt?

It’s been nine days since Ukrainian troops crossed the Russian border in what’s been called a ‘surprise incursion’ in this latest phase of the war.

President Zelensky says a Ukrainian military commander’s office is being set up in the captured town of Sudzha. The Defence ministry in Moscow responded saying Russian forces had blocked Ukrainian attempts to take several other areas.
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  1. Has to be one of the stupidest wars ever, and all because Putin has too big of an ego to simply go home.
    All this BS about protecting Russia…from who? Russia has 1000s of nukes all over the place; no superpower was ever going to invade, just like Russia can never invade another superpower. Both sides would simply destroy each other, and no one would win. Nukes uses these days are to threaten countries without nukes.
    Putin wants his legacy so much that it does not matter how many die on either side.

  2. I mean ukraine has achieved it's goal. It continues to lose a lot of land in the east daily but everyone in the west is only talking about this small incursion into russian land. If the whole point of this is to distract the media from the bad situation in the east so support doesn't lessen then they have done their job.

  3. Stop making it feel wrong to use all they have to try to gain any possible advance in this unprovoked war. Russia uses all it have except for nukes, in a war of agression. It's only fair that ukraine can attack their territory too even if it's only to pressure them or release pressure from other fronts!!!

  4. We know without US army supplies this war ends in a week. Ukraine is just dumb tool for US hegemony and each day we're close to ww3. Ukrainians army are simply the walking dead 🤔. Think people are tired of endless wars for profit over 70 years. In contact, think the correlation of the cost of living plunged and wars while big companies making enormous profits eg the military industrial complex, oil companies?

  5. This was about seizing a nuclear power station as a bargaining chip. It has failed as have all Ukrainian offensives so far. Now the Russians will exact a painful lesson.

  6. What is happening in Kursk is a deliberate sacrifice of men in order to humiliate Putin. The west wants to defeat Russia, but can't militarily…it would likely leave the world contaminated. Besides, a new, faster technique has been developed…"the color revolution". Problem is, Putin's popularity is very high, so the west has invaded some near empty fields, and is raising a lot of propaganda about it, in order to give Putin the reputation as the man who let Russia be invaded. This sets the stage for a color revolution, and a Juan Guido in Moscow.

  7. Don't take a lack of territorial gain, as a sign of the offensive stalling. Russia soft-genocided a lot of people in the west. We could be on the cusp of another russian revolution. They have the same tactical advantage that Hitler had neglected, so he could do all the things that made him Hitler.

  8. How can a supposed big MSM news channel ask a question like this, seriously 170 orcs surrendered today alone, fsb officers and all. Ukraine took another few hundred sq km of Russia under control and seized at least, unverified but probably low count, 8 settlements one rather big one all within the last 12 hours, So how can this supposed news channel ask this question, are they really that ignorant or just plain stupid.
    The big question should be why Russia is unable to send enough forces there that do not surrender at the first sign of a fight, or enough forces to even slow Ukraine advances that keep going faster than ever, Or ask if Russia has decided to cede all there land below the E38 and the full length of the E38 from Ukraine border to the city of Kursk. I mean maybe not the city of Kursk, i am sure Ukraine does not want a big fight and the loss of many men for one small city, but damn Russia is doing so badly in this war and even after having almost 2 weeks to send reinforcement to slow Ukraine advance has failed, so many real questions but channel 4 news asks the most stupid of them all.

  9. The Ukrainians aren't after Kursk. Blatantly obvious they couldn't hold it for long. They're after headlines, because that's what keeps the money flowing their way.

  10. Anyone that knows anything about war strategy can see that this really made no sense, except maybe to help moral. If they were to withdraw soon, I could understand it. They have many POW's and did some damage. But to try to stay is foolish, they just don't have enough troops.

  11. I'm beginning to wonder if Channel 4 News has it's largest financial contributions from Russia. Your tone is defeatist and is hardly quality journalism.

  12. It's bound to stop eventually. They can't over-extend their lines and Russia does keep throwing troops at them.

    Which is a shame really, if they had more manpower available then this would be the greatest opportunity to capitalise on capturing as much undefended land as possible. Russians are only just digging in, they haven't got extensive defensive lines built like in Ukraine. Land could change hands quickly

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