After criticism, MSNBC skips airing Trump’s news conference

After criticism, MSNBC skips airing Trump’s news conference

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. It’s not a news conference when it’s all retreads of old lies. He does not deserve free publicity for his hateful bs.

  2. Wow…is the media finally gonna wise up & stop giving him free airtime to spout his tired bullshit? 

  3. He’s now treating these conferences like his ridiculous emails. “EMERGENCY PRESS CONFERENCE” – aka put cameras on me so I can ramble about the same stuff I’ve been rambling about for 9 years. I’m anxiously awaiting the time when major news outlets stop wasting time and just ignore his old man shouting at clouds bit.

  4. Couldn’t tell what was rotting faster in the sun, his face or the raw sausage next to him?

  5. I change the channel whenever I see him. Not one thing he says is true. He doesn’t say anything that I need to hear. He rambles incoherently and is irritating. It’s time media outlets start figuring this out. I don’t see the commercials that are paying the networks.

  6. The press needs to cover all of these.

    Send reporters and cameras.

    Let Trump ask for questions.

    Don’t ask him questions.

    Let him flounder in front of America.

  7. I’ll watch until he starts making it about himself or lying, so yeah typically not long. I’m surprised more media doesn’t do the same, he seems to accuse most of them of being fake anyways?

  8. You people don’t get. What part of the sky is falling do you not get ? Get a grip ,this is seriously a big problem. The oceans are going to rise and you will be rewarded with BEACH front property. OK.

  9. It wasn’t really a news conference to begin with. It was a campaign speech and nothing more.

  10. Fox entertainment and New🤮Max can hear his lies. Besides, everyone who watches the garbage early voting for him so it’s not gonna change anything.

  11. It’s not a news conference when it’s a traitor scum bag rapist 34 four count felon

  12. I’ve said this! He’s their dirty mouthpiece voicing THEIR agenda. He’s evil, but he’s also their puppet, and he’s too dumb to know it. Gotta win this election. Our lives depend on it.
    No more! Dump trump & don’t let PROJECT 2025 become anything but a playbook torn into a million pieces.

  13. All he does is lie! He should not be allowed to keep lying and going unchecked!

  14. The media did not wise up.

    Meaning the moguls who run the media, who are supporting this demented idiot, have recognized that Biden backing out has sunk their favored puppet.

    In order to stay relevant to the uneducated masses that Donald Dump depends on, they now have to pull back so that they can remain a “trusted source” to these morons.

    Giving the cult an out. Make it okay to stop supporting the mango Mussolini.

    It’s really their only option now. Trust that if Biden had not graced out? They would still be pro-TrumPutin, all the time.

  15. There’s no news. It’s always just The Daffy Don Show, starring Daffy Donnie Dingus! He launches right into his material, hurls his insults, parrots his memes, airs his grievances, blah blah blah. His current approach seems to be telling everyone that Harris is “fake” and “illegal”, and it’s just more pathetic than anything else. It’s not “news”, in fact it isn’t anything. It never is with him.

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