the fact that he said this like it was a bad thing lol

the fact that he said this like it was a bad thing lol

Posted by memes-to-an-end

  1. Seriously who writing his speeches? He has to be writing his own no advisors or writers could be this bad.

  2. Jesus, like every other one of those 1st world countries?

    … Trump goes on to say the U.S. has become a 3rd world (non-industrialized) country because the economy is so bad (while the DOW soars over 40,000).

    I guess he’s hoping for a spot right in the middle like Russia.

  3. So this was Trump’s secret healthcare plan all along … suck so much at being president that Democrats get elected forever and enact benefits programs for the good of all Americans!

  4. He also said today thst more than 100 percent of the “net jobs” under Biden went to immigrants.

  5. I think he’s starting to mix up the stuff he says when talking at donors with his rally rants

  6. The projected future value of implementing universal healthcare in America involves both economic and social factors. On the economic side, while estimates vary, some models suggest that a single-payer universal healthcare system could lead to significant cost savings. For example, some projections estimate potential savings of $450 billion annually, with others forecasting savings of up to $1.8 trillion over ten years. These savings would primarily come from reduced administrative costs and more efficient pricing for healthcare services and drugs. Currently, the U.S. spends a significant portion of its GDP on healthcare—17% compared to an average of 8.8% in other countries with universal healthcare.

    Socially, universal healthcare could greatly expand access to healthcare services, reduce health disparities, and improve overall health outcomes across the population. For instance, universal healthcare has been associated with increased life expectancy and better management of chronic diseases in other countries. Additionally, it could reduce the number of uninsured and underinsured Americans, potentially leading to a healthier and more productive workforce.

    However, the transition to universal healthcare in the U.S. would be complex, involving substantial changes to existing systems, potential displacement of workers in the private insurance sector, and challenges in managing costs associated with increased demand for services

    [Why Single-Payer Universal Health Care Should Be Adopted in the United States — New York Progressive Action Network](

    [Lessons from the COVID 19 Pandemic: The Importance of Universal Health Care in Addressing Health Care Inequities](

  7. He is just saying out loud what conservative voters think.

    They 100% do not want their tax dollars going towards those they deem lesser and undeserving.

    They would seriously rather have people die than see them get anything.

    You know, exactly like jesus would want.

  8. Sadly, Harris doesn’t even support single payer healthcare anymore.

    Would be fun if Trump could get her to change that.

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