Trump Pocketed $300,000 From Selling Bibles, Financial Disclosure Shows

Trump Pocketed $300,000 From Selling Bibles, Financial Disclosure Shows

Trump Pocketed $300,000 From Selling Bibles, Financial Disclosure Shows

Posted by inewser

  1. What if trump, deep down under all this is some 5000 IQ player who’s worked this whole time to undermine the GOP and end their threat to democracy by being the dumbest most narcissistic candidate possible, ensuring they receive a loss at the moment of fruition in 2025? 😂

    Obviously not the case but it would be really funny to find that out in 10 years or somethin. Go in the history books as some wild hero. 😂

    We all know he’s genuinely dumb as hell tho

    (Since I see this was downvoted I want to clarify i am NOT being serious whatsoever 😂 I know he’s just this stupid)

  2. I am not a trump fan but I can guarantee you his bibles will be collector’s items in the next 40-50 years

  3. If the words in the Bible are true, buying an autographed one is a ticket to hell. Trump claims to be the chosen one. God does not put up with idolatry. Evangelicals don’t read that thing because it says that a false prophet pretending to be godly will fool them and the broad way to hell is super easy to take. Trump as anti Jesus as they come.

  4. Don_old: “Chump change… so?… my followers were glad… glad to rube me their money!”

  5. Suckers lol

    Got swindled using the oldest trick in the book, AND one of the oldest books in the same grift….


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