‘Mentally Ill’ Trump Says Something Once Again So Dumb That People Are Stunned

‘Mentally Ill’ Trump Says Something Once Again So Dumb That People Are Stunned


Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Imagine being part of his campaign.

    “ok, so we’re going to keep the focus on inflation, cheerio props and all. Just focus on that Mr President”

    “the medal of freedom I gave to a megadonor is better than the medal of honor I give to dead soldiers”

    “oh, ffs, you had one job you crazy old f*&k!”

  2. Shows where his priorities lie. He’ll give you the bestest medal if he gets something first. Medals for valor don’t benefit him.

  3. One of the trademark early signs of dementia is the loss of inhibitors, as in, you can’t be bothered holding things back. So Trumpf is literally telling us how he really feels…….

  4. The debates should not be about policy or anything.

    They should just turn them into gameshows where they gotta answer questions about american government, world geography, religion, and history.

    “What is the xx amendment about?” (Anything other than 1 and 2)
    “How is a law passed?”
    “Cite three passages from the bible”
    “Where is the country of Moldova?”
    “How many members are on the ways and means committee?”
    “What year did prohibition end?”

    He would fucking crash and burn like a little bitch.

  5. Fuckler: “Lyin’ liberals! You’re… you’re just jealous… jealous Don Jr picked… picked VD Pance!”

  6. Vote Harris/Walz in 2024! Register to vote if you’re not already registered at https://vote.gov and if you are, confirm that you are still registered to vote. Donald Trump is clearly unfit to be president again, and he is a danger to our democracy. Your vote has never been more important.

  7. Millions will still vote for him, no matter what.

    I don’t care how stupid he sounds, or how stunned people are, or how many are laughing at him.

    It means nothing unless he loses the election.


  8. I see Trump dropping the N Bomb during debate. Kamala is going to destroy him so bad and make him rage

  9. At this stage, I’m not ruling out Trump turning out to be a double agent for the Democrats. Now, somebody give this guy another microphone!

  10. The deep state/nazis/whatever you want to call them are thisclose to having their very own country and their very own Dictator.

    The fact that he’s stupid is even better because he can be manipulated easily and predictably by the people who are actually in control.

    They don’t care what we think of him or how embarrassing he is.

  11. Probably a bad sign that I read the headline and was like, which one of the five different idiotic things he’s recently said?

  12. Okay, only addressing the “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Yes indeed, eating is why you have the cake. It’s a nice tasty treat that you look forward to. You have your cake. Then you eat it. But now you don’t have it, for you’ve eaten it. You aren’t looking forward to eating it because you no longer have it. Because you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

  13. This makes me sad. Not because he said it, we all know that he believes what he said. Rather because his sycophants still support him after they see and hear this is who he is. Perhaps they’re the same as him and that’s what goes over my head and so I’m surprised to find out so many Americans actually also think this way. 😥

  14. He’s waaaaay past the point of saying something sensible only because Trump supporters are blindly agreeing with anything that comes out of his cesspit of a mind.

    The filter is off and the floodgates are open!

  15. typical gaslighting from the left….you do realize more than 1/2 the country is tired of hearing all you reddit-radicalized tds sufferers spout the same whitenoise nonsense,   your in a cult of mentally ill weirdos

  16. He been doing this well before 2016…..This is it anything new. Trump has now got exposed to more people of his foolishness because Biden decided to step aside. It is so funny how the media in America don’t focus on things even with it right in front of their face. The media should have always been focusing on Trump shortcomings before Biden stepped aside.

  17. “I’ve never been a huge fan of the phrase “Have your cake and eat it too.” What else are you doing with your cake?
    It may be a silly statement, but I understand the meaning of it. And Donald Trump is the dictionary definition of that phrase, when it comes to taking credit for things when they’re good and assigning blame when they’re bad.”

    That is not the meaning of that phrase. It means instead that once you eat the cake, it’s gone. You can’t also have it

  18. This is like my boomer parents telling me Biden made the gas prices higher on purpose.

  19. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s sowing chaos to prepare for an insurrection since he knows he will lose.

  20. If crooked Kamala is elected:
    She will cheat on her husband
    She will have sex with a porn star
    She will cheat on her taxes
    She will pay no taxes
    She will refuse to release her taxes
    She will take bribes from Egypt
    She will try to extort Ukraine
    She will buddy up to Putin or Un
    She will claim to build a wall
    She will claim to grab guys by the dick because she can
    She will turn the other members of her party to a bunch of sniveling cowards
    She will try to have her VP killed or hanged
    She will cause famine and floods
    She will cause locust to devour all your crops
    She will have Jeffrey Epstein killed….Opps my bad!🤡

  21. If some old guy at a nursing home said this shit, people would smile and nod and their spouse would cry knowing that they mentally checked out a long time ago. This guy blurts out crazy bullshit and his people go wild.

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