Analysis of 10 Million Books on Goodreads (Interactive Visuals) [OC]

Posted by ammar-

  1. Very nice analysis. The hidden gems books is probably the most useful chart to search for new books. Also, I’m curious about an explanation for a local maximum at 2k pages in the chart that shows Nr of books by their length in pages.

  2. Not only beautiful but very useful analysis as well. Went for a one-minute peak but ended up spending more than an hour discovering new books. Bookmarked as well for future visits.

  3. You clearly put a lot of time and care into this. Bravo!

    When I switch to Percentage of 5-star Ratings, a large number of the top books listed are Diary of Steeve the Noob <Number>. I think that your Weighted Rating will be a better measure for most people.

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