Liz Truss storms off stage after Led By Donkeys lettuce prank

Liz Truss storms off stage after Led By Donkeys lettuce prank

Liz Truss stormed off stage at an event to promote her book on after a banner featuring a lettuce was unfurled behind her as part of a stunt by a campaign group.

The former prime minister, who lasted just 49 days in office, was addressing an audience in Suffolk on Tuesday when the banner, emblazoned with the vegetable and carrying the words โ€œI crashed the economyโ€, was unveiled.

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  1. If Liz is a `lettuce` then all who cannot see `conspiracy` are cabbages.

    She was not the choice of `outside forces` but the choice of the membership – and, of course we cannot have that!

    We shall never know the truth. She should have been cossetted and helped by wise heads around her, instead she was `thrown under the bus,` and the Tory membership`s `working democracy` was trashed by Tory Party Leaders.

    Tories will not admit it but this one act of `democratic vandalism` of their own membership probably cost them the election.

  2. A childish prank referring to a stale topic. Liz should have handled it better but i sympathise; particularly as the Labour government is gearing up to trash the economy in their own style. Its a shame you lost your seat Liz but hang on in there; your time will come.

  3. I don't understand how she has the barefaced cheek to think we want to hear what she has to say. After she single handedly crashed the economy, causing misery for millions of hard working Britons, she should be imprisoned. Thank you whoever made that sign๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. I had no idea she was moving towards the far right. Maybe watching trump trying to make a come back gives her hope and feels she can regain some dignity after failing so badly the way she did.

  5. Beccles town hall Eh Liz? Bit of a reality check from your frantic USA Promotion of your 'book' where no one has heard of you. A small market town in Suffolk UK is probably your limit…and it WAS funny but not for the millions of people who faced economic hardship because of your misplaced belief in your version of economic success. Just go away to a small dark corner where you belong now please.

  6. She supports Trump and was on stage with Steve Bannon and quite a few other decidedly extreme right wingers in the US. No thanks Truss. We donโ€™t want your kind of politics ๐Ÿคฎ.

  7. God it's so trivial. Fell a bit flat barley any laughter and Truss was clapped off. If this this was part of a campaign it missed the economic news of the last few days and looks dated and politically amateurish

  8. Sounds like 3 people in the audience. How delusional is Truss? About the same as Trump, naturally. Pork markets anyone? ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–๐Ÿฅฉ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท

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