Strategic Glushkovo Bridge Destroyed in Kursk Region, Russian Media Reports

Strategic Glushkovo Bridge Destroyed in Kursk Region, Russian Media Reports

Posted by UNITED24Media

  1. So the Russian channels are claiming there is a motorized rifle battalion stuck with their backs to the river unable to retreat now.

    Curious if the Ukrainians will storm the position, just shell it or negotiate a surrender. Feel bad for the civilians stuck in this pocket however.

  2. For a country thats so insistent on Red lines, Putin seems to have been relatively quiet on Kursk. I know there’s the usual begging to the UN and the speeches, but in terms of actual esclation it seems to be very little.

    Considering that for the past two years we were walking on eggshells with western assistance to Ukraine, if this holds and proves NATO/Western thinking wrong, whats the knock on effect betweeen Ukraine and US/NATO relations.

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