It doesn’t have to be from 2024 it can be from previous years or the 2028 Olympics

Posted by Eastern-Swordfish776

  1. This gymnastics bureaucratic circle jerk. Has completely lost the spirit of athletic competition and has devolved into an organizational dick measuring contest.

  2. I’m probably the only one who noticed this, but the female breakdancer from Australia wasn’t very good. Look up her performance if you don’t believe me.

  3. 2004 gymnastics ring finals. They undeservedly gave the gold to the Greek one instead of Jovchev due to being from the host nation and maybe some other connections.

  4. When break(danc)ing was decided to be included in Paris 2024 but graffiti was left out!

  5. The 1996 Olympics rhythmic gymnastics individual all around was blatantly rigged. Coach Irina Deriugina was a judge and ensured her gymnast, Ekaterina Serebrianskaya (UKR) won. Maria Petrova (BUL) did fantastic but the judges conspired to keep her off the podium.

    Irina Deriugina was caught rigging 2000 European Championship and suspended. All judges from that competition were not allowed to judge the Olympics later that year.

  6. The badminton players in 2012 who got disqualified for tanking matches in the group stage. It’s not their fault the format was flawed.

  7. 2018 short track had all sorts of home calls in the disqualifications. This repeated in 2022. The Chinese basically said they’d get their revenge. Hopefully it’ll be cleaned up in 2026, but Italy is a growing short track power.

  8. Not summer Olympics but Figure skating pretty much every year – 2014 was especially bad

  9. This year. The fact that a child rapist Steven Van de Velde is a) walking free in society, and b) was allowed to compete in the Olympics. Kudos to all the fans who booed the shit out of him. Shame on the Dutch federation 

  10. The moment when some spoilsport decided to slow down the tape of the French pole vaulter to show his knees made contact with the bar first.

  11. Rings, Athens. Greek athlete misteriously won despite a visibly lackluster exercise. Afterwards, they had another jury blindly review the footage and the Greek athlete was ranked dead last…

  12. Also Ryhtmic Gymastics robberies between 2004-2016 [Kabaeva getting gold over Tchachina and Bessonova in 2004 , Spain getting robbed of gold in teams in 2016, Bessonova getting bronze instead of silver in 2008]…people say that Dina got robbed [but as a RG fan, no she wasnt Dina did a lot mistakes in her 4 routines, allowing that with even a fall Linoy to win]

  13. Boxing. Not about Imane, though. It’s about us Filipinos getting screwed again.

    Thank God no more Boxing in 2028. Good riddance, crooked refs and judges!!!

  14. Tutberidze and how her corrupt, abusive team ruined an entire generation of Russian figure skaters, disgraced them, drove them insane, permanently injured them and got away with the punishment by not being banned herself.

    Just watch these videos. This woman deserves to be in jail for how much abuse she’s put her students through

  15. You are going to get a lot of examples from gymnastics. Any event that relies heavily on subjective judging is suspect.

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