Israeli Society Is in a Deepening State of Contradiction

Israeli Society Is in a Deepening State of Contradiction

Israeli Society Is in a Deepening State of Contradiction

Posted by Im-so-controversial

  1. Israel only starts making sense when you consider that the Israelis are still living in generational post war trauma.

    There’s two ways in which an abused person processes their trauma: one is to understand that they suffered an unjust treatment, and learn to accept the reality of it. The other one is to internalize the values of the person who abused you, justify the way you were treated and repeat the abuse by becoming the abuser yourself and seeking a victim.

    Antizionist Jews follow the first path. And Zionists follow the second path.

    Antizionists hate the Nazis and all the horrors that committed, and as a consequence, they hate everyone who commits similar abuses to other people.

    Zionists don’t really hate the Nazi, in their eyes they see that the error was that Jews were weak and couldn’t defend themselves. They loathe themselves, so they tried to process the trauma by imitating their Western oppressors by becoming the new oppressors.

    As a result, Israelis can’t see any solution that doesn’t involve violence and destruction to those who they oppress. They repeat the same patterns again and again without realizing that it’s madness.

  2. Sounds kind of like the United States to me where about half of the population supports an outright fascist while the other half are still committed to democracy.

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