Trump Insults Military Valor, Claims Medal of Freedom He Gave to Donor’s Wife is Superior to Medal of Honor Because Military Recipients Are Either Dead or Badly Wounded

Trump Insults Military Valor, Claims Medal of Freedom He Gave to Donor’s Wife is Superior to Medal of Honor Because Military Recipients Are Either Dead or Badly Wounded

Trump Insults Military Valor, Claims Medal of Freedom He Gave to Donor’s Wife is Superior to Medal of Honor Because Military Recipients Are Either Dead or Badly Wounded

Posted by inewser

  1. My possibly incorrect interpretation. Adelson a rich 1% gave money to possibly Trump and other Republicans and bought a medal. He was praised by Trump for giving him money. Everyday heroes that put their lives on the line in combat to protect the liberties and privileges we have in the U.S are being compared to a rich person who gives money to other rich people. DJT claims the people that give him money are superior. This is coming from a draft dodger, that gets around seemingly fine after those bone spurs allowed him to dodge the draft. Reads like a candidate I’d support?

  2. Why did Trump give a medal of Freedom to a donor?

    Even for the Wizard of Odd, that’s weird.

  3. At this point, the Harris campaign can pretty much Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to create attack ads against this fool.

  4. How will they spin this I wonder? Not like they really have to because cultists gonna cult, but I still wonder.

  5. In the same words from the Republican god Cheeto. Suckers and losers! Every single veteran who votes for the shit stain, is exactly what Cheeto thinks of them.

  6. Dump Donald Dump!

    Disparaging The Medal of Honor.

    So anyone else want to say he refused to visit a WWI memorial and commenting the interred were all “Suckers and losers” was a fabricated lie?

    I’ll wait.

    May the name Trump and the color orange be forever associated with each other and Treason when the dust settles.

  7. CMH > PMF …… What say you Veterans ?
    From an old USN vet, not a fan of
    Private Bone Spurs

  8. He will give away anything for money. His entire presidency was for sale to the highest bidders. Pardons, medals, awards, contracts, legislation, foreign policy, confidential information.

    Easily THE most corrupt person in US history. The fact that he was in the Oval Office for 4 yrs will remain a dark stain on this country for centuries.

  9. My life’s goal is to piss on Trump’s grave. I know I will have to stand in line, but I’m willing to wait

  10. He insulted Gold Star families, insulted John McCain’s POW status, dodged the draft, was reported by his staff to have called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers”, cut veteran benefits substantially…

    … If you think Trump is for military veterans, you’re delusional.

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