Who wants tacos!

Who wants tacos!

Posted by DogeDoRight

  1. White people tacos have a place in the taco hierarchy 

    Same with Jack in the Box tacos and Taco Bell Taco supremes

    Tacos are a big tent !

  2. Lol looks like this Walz attack is going to
    Be as as ineffective as the early ones…

  3. These are the tacos I grew up with. Now I’m good at cooking so make them fancier, but the white people tacos are absolutely my foundation.

  4. I lived in Wisconsin for 3 years and can confirm that most people there will say “no spice” when ordering meals at a restaurant.

    I also noted the numbers of adults who ordered milk with a meal.

  5. I would buy these and pay extra as long as the proceeds support their campaign in beating the fascist cunts of the right.

  6. JD Vance was truly shaken by the white people taco comment.

    Luckily for Vance he was right next to his fainting couch.

    (Although unlucky for the fainting couch.)

  7. I don’t know what “white people tacos” are and at this point I’m afraid to ask…

  8. Isn’t this a style called American Style Tacos? I believe it’s a real thing, it’s when you take all the flavor and spices out of a taco.

  9. My husband and I make white people tacos exclusively. We live in a place where good Mexican food is in abundance so there’s almost something more exotic to me about making the white variety at home. But obviously we still love and eat fancier tacos when eating out or cooked by foodie friends.

  10. Old el Paso was the first taco I ever had. I was living in Africa at the time. There weren’t tacos in NE US, where I was from, unless you count jack in the box tacos, which you shouldn’t.

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