Trump Is Pissed at Harris for Trapping Him in Two Debates – Donald Trump is so mad, it seems he’s about to chicken out of debating Kamala Harris.

Trump Is Pissed at Harris for Trapping Him in Two Debates – Donald Trump is so mad, it seems he’s about to chicken out of debating Kamala Harris.

Posted by Quirkie

  1. Lol go ahead, DonOld. Drop out of the debate. Show everyone how scared you are. I dare you.

  2. If Harris’ campaign continues on its present trajectory, Trump will be stepping on the debate stage in a severely weakened general election position. Trump does not perform well when he’s on his heels, usually his absolute worst impulses start steering him blindly. If his pressers are any indication of his abilities to form cogent thoughts and answer direct questions in a cogent manner, September 10th is going to be an unpleasant day for Trump and his maga movement.

  3. He can’t back out now, his people already called him a coward for backing out the last time, he’s really trapped and he knows he’s not up to the task because she’s going to obliterate him verbally and he’s going to have to swallow it and it goes against everything he is

  4. Given how bizzaro his two pressers have gone, the calculus on the damage the debates will do versus him not showing up for for them is pretty clear. If I were his team, I would not do them. Democrats have set a brilliant trap by playing directly to trumps ego.

    If he does the debates, he is going to be flayed by Harris. She’s going to put him on trial for America to witness and it’s going to be a sight to behold. If he backs out, she’s going to get 60 to 90 minutes of dedicated time to talk about whatever she wants.

    Maybe it’s better to look like a coward than look like an absolute fool?

  5. Brave sir Donald ran away.
    Bravely ran away away
    When debates reared their ugly head
    He bravely turned his tail and fled
    Yes, brave sir Donald turned about
    And gallantly he chickened out.
    Swiftly taking to his feet
    He beat a very brave retreat
    Brave brave brave, brave sir Donald.

    Edit: Tried reformatting. Not sure why all the lines ran one into the other rather than on separate lines.

  6. The “COWARD” memes are going to be off the hook. I mean, running away from a debate is so weird.

  7. He is 100% going to spend the debate time on irrelevant attacks, while she talks policy, and he is going to look like such a chump he will completely melt into a puddle of McDonald’s fry grease and flat diet coke.

  8. It’s odd becuase r/conservative is saying Harris is backing out of the debate.

    Of course it’s the Fox News one that she never agreed to that Trump tried to push when he backed out of his debates.

    The copium is real

  9. DonOLD Dump is gonna take a public dump on stage….

    But it won’t matter. His base thinks he’s a God and won’t leave him.

  10. That is one debate I am looking forward to. I believe Harris will eat Trump for dinner… 🙂 can’t wait! 🍿🥤

  11. Must be so conflicting for him. Either way he is going to get destroyed but he loves the attention so much. Hilarious

  12. He knows. He knows that she’s capable of going full prosecutor on that stage and destroying him. His energy is gone, he’s not the guy who debated Hilary in 2016, he’s not even the guy who debated Biden in 2020. He’s old, he’s weird, he’s tired, and he’s probably more fearful about staying out of prison than he’s ever been. I cannot wait to see this unfold.

  13. We knew this was going to happen from day one. No way in hell this guy steps onto a stage with Harris.

  14. Last time I checked that orange Nazi had a mind of his own. He listens to nobody but himself. He can’t blame anybody for those debates but him. And because he sucks so bad he knows he’s gonna lose and can’t accept responsibility.

  15. I don’t know why he would chicken out. His supporters clearly don’t seem to notice or care about the nonsensical shit coming out of his mouth. So I don’t see how he’s going to lose anything from going to a debate. If they were remotely sane, and/or paying slightest bit of attention, they’d have dumped him already, without Harris even being part of the equation. So what’s the downside exactly?

  16. Trapping him into debating? What..? You’re the presidential nominee dickwad, you *should* be debating.

  17. Actually, I was surprised that he even agreed to a debate.

    Someone should start a pool to see when he does drop out.

  18. He denied calling veterans suckers and losers in the last debate. His recent comments about medal of honor recipients were recorded. Hopefully ABC doesn’t let him lie about it.

  19. Brave Sir Donald ran away.

    Bravely ran away away.

    When danger reared it’s ugly head,
    He bravely turned his tail and fled.

    Yes, brave Sir Donald turned about
    And gallantly he chickened out.

    Swiftly taking to his feet,
    He beat a very brave retreat.
    Bravest of the brave, Sir Donald!

  20. Like I said many times before, the Fox stunt is just an excuse so he can chicken out the real debates, he will say Harris campaign did not show to Fox, so they will not show on the next ones… wait and see… he is too afraid to do a fair debate

  21. I’m sure he’ll be diagnosed with “COVID” miraculously before the debate:,😂😂😂

  22. Big strong alpha male vibes. His whole strategy of just bitching about Biden has fallen apart and now he actually has to work for it.

  23. If Harris debated trump on fox news with the following rules 1. Each candidate would get the same questions and get the same time to answer 2. Microphones would be cut off to prevent candidates from intercepting each other and 3. No audience could the debate on Fox News, I would have more respect for her if she beat trump on his home turf

  24. Wait a minute.. But /r/conservative said Kamala was the one dropping out!

    You mean they.. LIED?!

  25. The best he can do is show up and fake a heart attack, while “triumphantly” holding up a fist.

  26. Trump needs to debate before his sentence is handed down, right? If he weasels out of Sept 10 there won’t be any debates at all.

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