Olympic Swimmer Pan Zhanle responds to Brett Hawke’s “humanly impossible” comment.

Posted by Reddit_Account2025

  1. Is he saying that only to the Chinese swimmer? The American and French swimmer were right next to the Chinese swimmer in that race. All three were one full body length ahead of the rest.

  2. I mean even if my inclination is to distrust this kind of result from the Chinese… so what? If there’s no actual evidence against him then my inclination doesn’t mean squat.

  3. Soo sick of these racist POS white men who believe they’re the best at everything & if they’re defeated it MUST be cheating 🖕🏿🖕🏿

  4. Even though his 46.4 is the WR, Jason Lezak actually swam a faster 100m relay split of 46.04 back in 2008.

    So it’s an odd comment considering it’s already been bettered.

    Also good swimmers are saying that Pan’s technique is revolutionary, produces less drag, etc.

  5. It is quite strange that he broke the world record by almost 1% in a highly contested distance historically and in a slow pool at the event.

    If you break a record by 1% in 1930, in an obscure distance, or in favourable conditions (like with new technology like a supersuit or with a positive wind in track sprinting) that’s one thing, but I can’t think of a plausible reason why Pan Zhanle is so far ahead of the field.

    Like, usually people have been breaking records by 0.1% not close to 1%.

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