Man is 78…

Man is 78…

Posted by 420Cheeky

  1. Trump isn’t just old, he’s obese, in terrible shape.

    Biden may be slightly older, but he exercises, eats right, and is active.

    As for the conspiracy theories? maga is always brewing new ones, this wont change anything, just the direction of the next batch.

  2. I figured they would blame the vax. It’s either that or the deep state finishing the job.

  3. The scary thing is that people will worship him, like how the North Koreans worship Kim Jung Il.

  4. I hope it turns into a House of the Dragon situation where different Trumps try to crown themselves and fight it out.

  5. Trump will die like Bryan Cox character in Succession except Trump by on the toilet of Jeffery Epsteins private jet

  6. Dude is going to have a heart attack on live TV while being angry about an entirely fake scenario he whipped up in his mind about Kamala Harris.

    And conservatives are going to claim that Obama had Biden hire one of the Clinton’s family friends to poison him before the rally at Harris’ request.

  7. I am legitimately surprised he has not had a heart attack yet. He looks just absolutely miserable and ever since Harris entered the race, that has got to be the hardest working heart in the world

  8. We’re never going to hear the end of him. He’s already the “Fat Elvis”. Soon he’ll be the “Not Really Dead Elvis” and we’ll have to put up with Trump sightings for the next 50 years.

  9. The day can’t come soon enough. I think he’d be the last or second to last of his siblings to bite it. His older brother in the 80s his younger brother in 2020 his older sister last year I think it’s just him and his other sister and correct me if I’m wrong.

  10. I’m just thinking about the awkward looks I’m going to get at the liquor store when it’s fairly obvious why, on the day that happens, I’m buying like 6 bottles of cold champagne.

  11. I’ve said this since the assassination attempt. No matter what happens with Trump natural or not, there are going to be a lot of people calling it unnatural and a Democrat led assassination

  12. We all know that’s only like adolescent in divinity years. He’s still got another 200-300 years easy unless we nail him to a cross. /s

  13. I just hope when it happens it’s a spectacular mess captured on tape so I can rewatch it every year during my “Trump is Dead” party.

  14. I’m trying to think of a type of death that they *wouldn’t* turn into a conspiracy, and I’m coming up blank.

  15. Let’s head it off at the pass and go full Beatles with it…

    >Trump was hit in the head when the assassin shot him. It didn’t just clip his ear, it actually hit his head. The deep Republican state didn’t show any pictures of the back of his head. Don’t you think it’s mysterious that Trump ‘recovered’ so quickly? You don’t need to recover from something that never happened to you. If you’re a body double, you wouldn’t have the damage. Ever notice that Trump is actually pale instead of orange now? That his hand motions seem so rehearsed? Didn’t you notice he didn’t have any talking points about the economy during his intellectual economy discussion. The person campaigning for the Trump organization now is just an actor. He can’t invent new insults to attack Harris that stick. With Biden, Obama, and Hillary, Trump could make insults that stuck. This is just an actor, who although he can copy Trump, he’s just doing bit. His moves are so mechanical, so rehearsed.

    >Trump isn’t here. This is a guy that has a body that looks like Trump: a guy named Don John from Queens. Wake up, sheeple!

  16. From the bottom of my heart, i hope he makes it to 100.

    Because he has the Republican party by the balls, and i’d love to see him keep sinking them further and further. When he loses in 3 months, hes gonna start campagning for 28, and he will be the nominee, and tbh i hope he makes it that far to lose again. I wanna see him lose every presidential election from now until the end of time.

    Sooner he dies, the sooner the republican party can try to fix itself. I want to see it completely be gone. I wanna see the Dems actually split into 2 parties and for this country to move forward.

  17. My prediction is that after he dies there will be constant trump sightings just like with Elvis

  18. He’s 100% Sundowning, it’s obvious, & very concerning that he hasn’t stepped down. He’s DOUBLING down, & that’s backfiring badly.

  19. The Trump that lives in their imaginations is very different from the Trump that exist in the real world already.

    These people get weird when they compare pictures of people from a few years ago to now and claim they have been replaced by dopplegängers.

    When Trump inevitably starts to age in earnest and to diverge more and more from the Trump in their minds they will at some point simply disavow him and claim that the one who aged and died was not the real Trump.

    The real Trump is going to be still alive you see working from the shadows to bring about the change they dream of.

    Q will tell them that he will reveal himself on date x (and when that doesn’t happen on date y and so on) take over the country arrest all the non-Christians and make it so they matter again and utter in a new golden age.

    They will believe that to their dying day even if for some that means Trump would have been 100 or more years old.

    In the end that too will pass and all that remains is an entry in the Wikipedia article (or whatever work will serve the same function) for “King asleep in mountain” and “Kyffhäuser” under Examples, North America to join the ranks of King Arthur in Avalon, King Barbarossa under the Kyffhäuser mountains and Walt Disney cryogenically frozen under the Matterhorn Bobsleds ride at Disneyland.

    One more great leader not dead but waiting until the time is right for their return when their people need them the most.

    Meanwhile the real Donald Trump will rot and be eaten by worms interred in some urine soaked patch of grass in some bankrupt golf club.

  20. Bunker boy can pass at the age of 150, surrounded by family, and the magaturds will still say something like “deep state finally got him”.

  21. I wish he would just just take the 1 term, Rubbed the fact that I for become President in Obama’s face and continued with my pompous life in MarALago

  22. They’ll see his face everywhere. On toast, a dog’s asshole, an orange cut in half. It’ll be a trip

  23. If he managed to get elected – we’re all on the fast track to the United States of Gilead – and large portions of the population are very definitely fucked and people should make arrangements for your safety.

    Being gay becomes notionally illegal/criminal, being a woman is about to become a problem out of 1890’s America with women as property and being non-white is about to become open season.

    There’s already a [“revenge list”]( – which includes over course everyone that ever pissed him off in his first administration from Anthony Fauci to Dylan Mulvaney.

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