‘Could Republicans dump Trump?’ Conservative says it’s time to ask about mental fitness

‘Could Republicans dump Trump?’ Conservative says it’s time to ask about mental fitness


Posted by SlightChocolate721

  1. I think they’re weighing which would be worse, being stuck with a tired, old weirdo or the unknown factor of what he’d do if they kicked him out. Either way, they’re screwed.

  2. Nope. They’ll lose the MAGA cult and definitely lose instead of probably losing. I hope they enjoyed terrorizing normal Americans for almost 10 years because the republican party will split post-Trump into MAGA lunatics and normal conservatives and no one else will be able to replicate what Trump did.

  3. The only way they get rid of him is if he steps down or croaks. He’s not stepping down and the only way he croaks is if the Big Macs catch up to him. So the answer is no. They won’t. They’re stuck with him.

  4. I’m not concerned with his mental health but the mental health of almost 1/2 of Americans who think he’s presidential material

  5. Hilarious they think it’s possible to get rid of trump 😂🤣 he might go to prison or worse yet be actually broke if he doesn’t win this election

  6. If they do that they lose. There will be multiple crappy candidates that won’t get out

  7. They deserve this chaos. They made it. Time for Trump to finally get some life consequences.

  8. I’m thinking the only way he’ll leave is by being bought out. For a cool billion in cash I believe he’d leave the country.

  9. Its, just so embarrassing…sob. Just kidding, its hilarious. The next election will see a complete dumping of the Maga politicians. We are not going back, Jack!

  10. Asked and answered in 2016. He has too much support with their voters, and even if they somehow did it he’d do an indie run out of spite.

  11. “”Trump seems unable to handle reality,” Rubin wrote. ”

    This is the it. He may only be in the early stages of alzheimers, but he can’t process logical thought using new information. He can’t take in new information and understand what to do with it, or how to synthesize it into action. He has 1 mode, how to turn unrelated events into something that’s personally persecuting him. He has not a single braincell left to think about goals for the country or how to improve the lives of americans.

  12. The Republican Party is like the Nazi Party in early 1945. A lunatic is leading them off a cliff, but nobody has the balls to stand up to him.

  13. But that will subvert the democratic process and the will of the people. They voted for him already!

  14. It doesn’t matter what they want at this point. Barring some kind of emergency action taken by the RNC, they’re stuck with Trump unless he decides to drop out. And seeing as how his only chance of staying out of prison is to use/abuse the power of the President, I don’t see that happening. If they even try to have him tested he and his family will scream that the deep state is trying to take him out and the party will cave.

  15. They are betting for the win and then Vance taking over. Because Vance embodies the work of the far right in a way people can’t even grasp.

  16. This will never happen. If trump is still alive in 2028, he’s their nominee. Period. Full stop.

  17. Whose got the moxie to try it?
    Nobody in the R party has any spine left. They’ve all been pushed out at this point.

  18. They’d better not. They sold themselves to him and knew who he was when they did it. No taksie-baksies. That’s your candidate. Live with it.

  19. It’s time? Really? NOW is the time to say he’s mentally unfit? Lol bunch of whackadoo Charlies.

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