Why are there so many angry Trump supporters on Facebook?

This happens every single time.

Posted by TrumpSux89

  1. They all wear shades because the eyes are the windows to the soul and they don’t want you to know how frightened they really are.

  2. They will complain about “the Biden economy” while driving their 90,000 dollar pickups that get 15 miles per gallon.

  3. Keeping them angry and scared is how the GOP keeps them divided. When we’re divided we’re easier to control and manipulate into voting against our own best interest and believing that brown trans immigrants are the problem while we give all our money to the rich.

  4. If you could just gift them some Viagra, that would likely fix everything for them!
    That’s the root problem.

  5. Goatee: check
    Receding hairline: check
    Wrap-around sunglasses: check
    Baseball cap: check.

  6. and almost all of them have that same look 50s, ballcap, sunglasses, and some kind of goatee/neck beard to hide their double and triple chins…

    in the wild, herds of them can be found congregating in and around Wal-Marts

  7. Lives poorly lived, the result of poor decisions borne out of an inability to learn from mistakes. Here they are trolling on Facebook with nothing better to do than to have a big upset.

    Lame (and since they are likely republicans, weird).

  8. As a white guy, I find these dipshits embarrassing, but please know they don’t represent us all.

  9. ***Why do people still use Facebook,*** it’s been a content graveyard since 2016 lol

  10. So sad to see these poor folks living their worst life in a $50k plus vehicle. Maybe spend your time bitching about how you can’t deduct your tools as a 1099 employee on a schedule A under the Trump tax rules.

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