National Black Farmers Group Says Supporting GOP Ticket Is “Off the Table” After JD Vance’s Attack

National Black Farmers Group Says Supporting GOP Ticket Is “Off the Table” After JD Vance’s Attack

National Black Farmers Group Says Supporting GOP Ticket Is “Off the Table” After JD Vance’s Attack

Posted by OnweirdUpweird

  1. Does JD Vance not have handlers or something? It’s been 2 months since the RNC, why has no one given this man an hour of media training? We know they can’t control Trump, but like, Vance is clearly the type of guy who will say whatever the boss tells him to. They need to tell him to say less stupid shit.

  2. I agree with JD Vance. Any white farmers that experience racial discrimination should get the same compensation that black farmers get. Only… there aren’t any. Vance’s remarks were stupid and intentionally ignorant of the program he was talking about. They will say Anything to gin up racial resentment- standard practice for the GOP I guess.

  3. can anyone name ONE new demographaic republicans actually appeal to now? JFC there’s so many people they have a problem with, who do the Rs have left to rely out aside from the obvious?

  4. They were only conservative when it came to doing things for people. But very loose when it came to things for the rich the corporations and the defense contractors

  5. The only nice thing I have to say about Vance is he could hold a press conference yesterday without using his finger to follow words on a piece of paper like Trump did. That’s it.

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