‘Disqualifies himself’: Veterans blast Trump for ‘disrespectful’ remarks about war heroes

‘Disqualifies himself’: Veterans blast Trump for ‘disrespectful’ remarks about war heroes


Posted by SlightChocolate721

  1. Considering that he made derogatory comments about John McCain and other veterans/surviving families, how did he get elected the first time or nominated the second time? There is more to this than just his recent comments…

  2. Should have been disqualified from the Republican primaries in 2016. Glad to see people are waking up 8 years later. Thanks republicans.

  3. Waddles doesn’t understand the concept of service at all. Not military, not civil, none of it. To him, you either win or you lose. He’s a reductive, venal piece of shit.

  4. Just when you think he can’t stoop any lower he does. There’s nothing higher than the Medal of Honor. He talked to John McCain and other heroes this way. WE CANT GO BACK 🌊🌊🌊VOTE BLUE 🇺🇸

  5. ah so the first few times he disrespected was perfectly fine, but this time they care 👍

  6. Bonespurs: “I make… make the BEST Commander-in-Thief… I steal papers… secret shit… steal valor and … and then question Purple Heart vets… dead in their graves… why…? Why do I do it?”

  7. Hopefully this means that when the Fanta clown has a crack at a coup, the various military forces will not be on his side.

  8. Really they’re just getting mad about Trump calling them suckers and losers? that was years ago.

  9. Trump wants to award himself a Medal of Freedom.

    When you’re famous they let you do it

  10. WOW it’s about time idiots!!!
    How many times does it take for this fucking draft dodger to keep insulting you all and didn’t do anything to help with health care and funds to support you. All he gave you was bs and insults and total disrespect for fallen heroes and their families.

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