Trump’s Medal of Freedom vs Medal of Honor

Trump’s Medal of Freedom vs Medal of Honor

Posted by radialmonster

  1. Don’t you feel the MoH has a little more heft because they sacrificed their lives? He’s just a douche bag

  2. If she had a sense of shame she’d be so embarrassed for basically having bought herself a trophy… What a joke.

  3. VFW response to this indult.

    > When a candidate to serve as our military’s commander-in-chief so brazenly dismisses the valor and reverence symbolized by the Medal of Honor and those who have earned it, I must question whether they would discharge their responsibilities to our men and women in uniform with the seriousness and discernment necessary for such a powerful position.

  4. There is no comparison between the two. Presidents can give the MOF for any reason. The MOH is issued by Congress for extreme bravery and gallantry in battle. It is rare and the highest honor our nation gives to a citizen.

    Presidents present the MOH on behalf of Congress and have no say in the selection process. No amount of campaign contributions will get someone that medal.

  5. I’d bet you five dollars that lady has a matching purse and cigarette case. Bet another five she’s got a pack of Misty Ultra Light 100’s in that case

  6. Trump has only ever used the MoF as a “thanks for your support”. He’s wildly diluted the very thing he claims is better than a MoH.

    Fuck him and the supporters he rode in on…

  7. Fuck him and his disrespect of the honor and the vets that have given this country everything.

  8. Let’s just say it as it is.

    If Trump sold it, it is worth a fortune.

    If Trump can’t sell it and someone he does not like has it, it is a POS.

  9. This has seriously riled up a lot of vets and active duty servicemen and women.

    I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the amount of people I’ve read today that said this was it. They had been giving him the benefit of the doubt for long enough because some of the worst stuff was said off camera so they weren’t really convinced.

    But this one he said with the cameras rolling. As one person put it “He took his campaign, lit it on fire, then shit on it.”

  10. Donald Trump has tarnished the integrity and meaning of both the Medal of Freedom and the Medal of Honor.

  11. My neighbor is a 20 year marine who served 3 tours in Iraq in infantry and was wounded. Absolutely loves that fat orange fuck.

    He said he’s just a bad speaker and it doesn’t change his mind.

    These people are brainwashed.

  12. Trump supporters are too stupid to realise that he is patronising and insulting them to their faces.
    Or they love being insulted.

  13. Every medal of freedom sold by Trump should have an asterisk on it. This medal used to mean something before he sullied its reputation. It reached peak absurdity when he gave it to Rush Limbaugh at the state of the union (may he rest in hell)

  14. Aa a veteran, Trump can go f*** himself. This man is just pssy bc he never served and is probably envious of those who have. Which is why he downplay it’s significance bc be will never, ever get one
    Nor will he ever be recognized as an American hero.

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