Many residents of Kaliningrad are pushing to break away from Moscow, restore the name Königsberg, and establish a new Baltic republic

Many residents of Kaliningrad are pushing to break away from Moscow, restore the name Königsberg, and establish a new Baltic republic

by Rear-gunner

  1. “many residents” is really not wording that makes it seems this is some big movment.

    Kreml needs to collapse to anything close to that could ever even come close to happening.

  2. That would be something! 😎

    Kaliningrad would be a perfect place for a thriving city with their positioning along the coastal line and potentially more educated population.

    Also a great way for them to become friends with the surrounding neighbors again!

  3. Well should they ever really break off, no one would want them, not even us Germans, so they’d have to go the fully independent route.

  4. As far as i’m aware, the situation there is exactly the same as in the rest of ruzia. About 80% – war supporting dalbajobs. Also big part of population is of military background/families. So i guess there may be a small group but sounds like bs.

  5. Republic of Prussia/Konigsberg/Kaliningrad as the fourth Baltic Republic would be so based but it’s incredibly unlikely.

  6. Many as in “20 to 30”? C’mon man, it would be a wonderful thing but it doesn’t seem to be a thing.

  7. Königsberg is such an awesome name as well and invokes the rich heritage. Would be worth it just for that.

  8. That’s Russia only ice-free port. For that reason alone, that would make Vlad unglad.

  9. The fact that residents are pushing for this shows how much tension is building. Big changes might be on the horizon.

  10. noncredible: fuck yeeaah, restore prussia
    credible: there are probably like 3 people there who want to actually secede from russia

  11. No one, except the individuals who get financed by the Kremlin, wants Russia in charge.

    Good luck to Königsberg.

  12. According to the 2021 census, Kaliningrad is 78% Russian. So protest the Russian government and good luck with that.

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