Keep buildin’ that coalition, Donny.

Keep buildin’ that coalition, Donny.

Posted by NCC-72381

  1. I feel like Veterans have been his favorite punching bag since 2015, it should be the first door.

  2. how do you build a coalition when you can’t say anything nice about anyone except yourself? even his own running mate has been thrown under the bus (or to the gallows) at this point.

  3. Creeper grandpa Don don’t do “coalition.”
    Too woke. 🤣😂🤣😂

    God Bless America 🇺🇸

  4. Cadet Bonespurs McFuckweasel can eat shit. We’ve seen him fail at everything his daddy didn’t pay for. We’ve seen his first whackadoodle nightmare of an administration in action (inaction?) and he’s still promising the same shit he couldn’t get interested in doing from the last time and he had full repugnican congress for the first two years. Golf. He played a shit-ton of golf. Yeah, fuck that guy and fuck whatever dumbasses are left in the cult voting for him.

  5. Marine Veteran here, almost all the guys I served with are MAGA, I no longer consider them my brothers .

  6. That veteran door was a couple back, it was next to the gold star families.

    He’s knocking on the entire military door now.

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