Trump Insults Military Valor, Claims Medal of Freedom He Gave to Donor’s Wife is Superior to Medal of Honor Because Military Recipients Are Either Dead or Badly Wounded

Trump Insults Military Valor, Claims Medal of Freedom He Gave to Donor’s Wife is Superior to Medal of Honor Because Military Recipients Are Either Dead or Badly Wounded

Trump Insults Military Valor, Claims Medal of Freedom He Gave to Donor’s Wife is Superior to Medal of Honor Because Military Recipients Are Either Dead or Badly Wounded

Posted by knowledge_infinityx

  1. I hope they keep him and JD out on the campaign trail and speaking all the time. I hope the Harris campaign backs off of mocking them. Let them talk themselves into an undeniable L

  2. It is impossible for trump to open his mouth without lying, being rude and incoherent and insulting someone. He is the most unworthy politician the country has ever had. Yet 70 million Americans consider him a suitable president and candidate. For god’s sake, what is wrong?

  3. Trumpleforeskin is *the* worst politician since George Wallace. Abject failure, in every aspect, deserving & receiving zero respect.

  4. Seriously, what did anyone expect from Field Marshal Bonespur Narcissist? I mean…. If there’s anyone who has ever served in the US forces,in any capacity, they have more valour than this wheezing, anachronistic turd circus. Anyone who has ever served should automatically either vote Harrisor abstain. (Not from US, M 55)

  5. Meanwhile some military people still support this moron and traitor even though he called them suckers and losers.

  6. Trump thinks everything he does is more important. Just goes to show what a loser he is.

  7. It’s sad that with all of his bullshit recipient picks he’s awarded the Medal of Freedom to only goes to diminish the award all together

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