Canada’s poor relations with India underscore short-term thinking and failures

Canada’s poor relations with India underscore short-term thinking and failures

Canada’s poor relations with India underscore short-term thinking and failures

Posted by Maatsya

  1. Submission Statement: Article explores Canada and India’s geopolitical relationship, which is particularly important because the spat has also thrown a wrench in Ottawa’s plans to make India the centrepiece of its [Indo-Pacific strategy]( – part of a move by many Western countries, including the U.S. and the EU, to court India to decrease their supply chain reliance on China and counter Beijing’s rising influence in the region. 

  2. Fricken Canadians ruined Canada! I’d move somewhere else, but they just aren’t Canadian enough.

  3. Lol, India assasinates a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil and India is offended when Canada calls them out.

    “Regardless of who is to blame, it is virtually impossible to argue that governments in Canada have maximized their long-term relationship with India.”

    It is impossible to argue that India has maximised it’s long-term relationship with Canada. The article gives three examples of India souring relations between the countries by acting in bad faith and somehow the conclusion is that Canada is at fault. Get a grip.

    EDIT: If you look in OP’s post history literally every comment is arguing somewhere on reddit about India. Colossal persecution complex.

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