Creepy in a bad way

Creepy in a bad way

Posted by Pumuckl4Life

  1. I was going to change the lyrics, but they still work fine as is

    >They’re creepy and they’re kooky

    >Mysterious and spooky

    >They’re all together ooky

    >The ~~Addams~~ Trump Crime Family

  2. Creepy in a way that they buried ex-wife/mom at a golf course.

    Creepy in a way that they had a lawyer who came up with this idea that it would be some type of tax advantage.

    Creepy in a way that he was comfortable in bringing it up to the family.

  3. “Featuring Rudy Guiliani as Thing and guest starring J.D. Vance as the traveling couch salesman.”

  4. I genuinely feel bad for Barron and the derision people are throwing at him. He’s still just a kid trapped in the Trump Vortex.

    It wasn’t cool when the GOP did it to Chelsea Clinton or Obama’s kids, either.

  5. They’re creepy and they’re cooky. One of them smells like dookie…

  6. If there’s one family that I can’t stand MORE than the damn Kar-trash-ians, it’s these degenerate fuck faces.

  7. I feel like we should start checking any disappearings around their property. Never know what they be feed that freak.

  8. So, is the story about Barron torturing and killing animals just unsubstantiated hearsay, or is there something to it? That’s a bad sign, even for a Trump.

  9. Melania is the only one wearing glasses and obviously does not want to be there but she signed up for this so gotta love it. Reap what you sow.

  10. Is Baron really that tall? Wtf. Or maybe he’s normal sized and the rest of them are small

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