Germany to halt new Ukraine military aid: Report

Germany to halt new Ukraine military aid: Report

Posted by Even_Jellyfish_214

  1. Submission Statement:

    The German government will stop new military aid to Ukraine as part of the ruling coalition’s plan to reduce spending

  2. This is one of the valuable and general historical lessons that optimists do not want to hear – it is very dangerous and naive to make long-term plans that rely predominantly on foreign support, especially plans of a military nature. Support is fragile and depends on many political and economic factors, it can wane regardless of previous unbreakable vows and eternal pacts.

  3. Ukraine aid in Germany, like in the United States, is a highly divisive issue, with strong opposition in the former states of the DDR. Most of the political establishment supports it, but Germany’s economic decline and commitment to balanced budgets means they won’t have the appetite or even the ability to be a serious player in stopping Russian aggression. Rather, they just have their fingers crossed that Trump doesn’t win and have the US, Ukraine, and even [Poland ]('s%20third%2Dlargest,)do the heavy lifting.

  4. Some misconceptions here. 4 billion in aid has already been agreed to for 2024 and 2025 with more funding coming from frozen Russian funds. I don’t like this either and it’s messaging which plays into Putin’s hands but I wanted to add that clarification.

  5. >In a letter sent to the German defense ministry on Aug. 5, Finance Minister Christian Lindner said that future funding would no longer come from Germany’s federal budget but from proceeds from frozen Russian assets, according to the German newspaper.

    So yeah, somewhat misleading title.

  6. Misleading title. And btw this was already posted here an hour before this post, so why post it again.

    As someone said on the previous post: “Terrible title. This is for the fiscal year 2024 budget. They are not cutting off aid or ending it, it will simply be on FY2025.”

  7. Germany should first help it’s senior citizens who are greatly suffering from poverty after working their bums off their whole life to build this country. In such a way that they have to go and collect bottles from bins for the 0,25€ deposit they get in order to pay their food.

  8. If there’s one matter of policy I agree with Putin, it’s the reunification of Germany. The U.S. never should have supported it. Rather, we should have realized they would become faithless allies the moment their ultimate dream came true and the Russians were removed from their immediate border.

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