‘Putin will be embarrassed and humiliated’- Analyst Sean Bell on Ukraine’s incursion into Russia

‘Putin will be embarrassed and humiliated’- Analyst Sean Bell on Ukraine’s incursion into Russia

A key Russian bridge has been destroyed by Ukraine’s air force, with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy saying Kyiv is “strengthening” its positions in the Kursk region.

Sky’s military analyst Sean Bell says Vladimir Putin will be feeling “embarrassed and humiliated” by Ukraine’s surprise invasion of the Kursk region.

Read more: https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-russia-latest-invasion-kursk-incursion-war-putin-live-updates-12541713

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  1. Two and a half years in and what exactly has Putin Achieved? The Russians are not the Military might the world might of assumed in the past. This is clearly a psychological move on the Ukrainians part. Rattling the Kremlin's cage and maybe questions are being asked about Putin's leadership, but he goes, who replaces him and should the rest of the world be concerned?

  2. Is this charade still going? I see almost all the drones in the comments are still falling for it. Imagine being this late in the game and still being sound asleep 😂

  3. People keep comparing this incursion to the german and french invasions. Difference is the scope and manpower. This is basically an expanded border raid while the other two were full on invasions intent on taking the country. There is nothing similar here. Ukraine has taken very little land in comparison and done little damage.

  4. Ukraine has incurred less than 15km into Russian territory. It has lost a shed load of troops and equipment. It's main objective was to capture the powerplant. It failed miserably. But none of this is reported on the disinfo platforms we call the MSM.

  5. The poor Ukrainians are just being used by the Americans as cannon fodder to try to weaken Russia. Only fools think it is a good idea to invade Russia and no doubt Putin did not think anyone could be so stupid. Its a scandal that the criminal buffoon Boris Johnson scuppered the proposed peace deal with Russia in April 2022.

  6. I wonder if here's where the North Korean troops come in. Didn't they recently sign that mutual defense pact to come to each other's aid if attacked?

  7. I've not seen such a huge divergence between what the Western Media reports every day, and what all the neutral (or even pro-Ukraine) military channels report every day. Even at Bakhmut and Avdiivka, CNN just didn't report anything for a week or two after both cities fell; they didn't just run articles for a week saying "Avdiivka holds!" when the whole world could see that it didn't.
    Yet here, for this Kursk fiasco, CNN/BBC/SKY still going with the "all is going well in Kursk, AFU is advancing on all fronts with no losses and we see endless streams of Western equipment going in/out of Russia with no problems at all"
    It is like reporting from two separate parallel universes…."

  8. Its all Done and dusted on the Kursk side, Russia has almost wrapped it up in 7 days,mass surrenders, supply lines decimated, and fuel reserves blown, lots and lots of KIA but Sky and the rest of MSN will keep on Harping about it till next year..

  9. Putin started the conflict to defend 9 million Russian speaking Ukrainians, He also said that an Ukrainian NATO army on the border was a danger, now zelensky has confirmed why the Russians see Ukrainian army as a danger, And he has been vindicated, when Russia finish conflict ,now they will justified to take a massive buffer zone in sumy , launching a battle of the bulge suicide raid ,to seize the Kursk nuclear plant has to be the most stupid military blunder ,since the charge of the light brigade🤔🙊🙈🙉

  10. Intrusion is 25 km with defense line being only up to 5 km from ukranian border – i do not think Russia will react and withdraw forces from other frontlines where ukrainian army fails everyday. Why so much panic, i bet in 6 months ukranian forces be back as there is no point be there from military perspective – it is just a huge PR action imho

  11. I'll just state the obvious that Putin invading Ukraine was horrible and tragic, however, there is a big opportunity here to bring him to his demise, sooner due to his own habit of stepping on rakes

  12. By the way.
    If the Americans had not intervened in WW2, Poland would have been moved to the west by 100% (not only by 50%). The rest would have become GDR (Eastern Germany, comunist). The Western Germany would not exist at all. Italy, France and Spain would become satelite states controlled by the Moscow Commintern. Ccommunist International, an international communist organization that advocated world communism, established by Lenin; communist leaders other countrys were sent/invited to Moscow to be educated in Marxism, Leninism and organisational aknowledgments: how to organise secret service and other power structure needed to rule a country.

  13. A war that as cost nearly a million lives just to serve the international banker's and military industrial complex scam, of which we are all being enslaved to🤔🙊🙈🙉

  14. Unser Verräter "Bundeskanzler" hat soeben die Ukraine verraten und verkauft , immer wieder hat Scholz betont daß es nichts geben wird was uns von der Unterstützung der Ukraine abhalten kann , aber ein möchtegern Minister reicht aus für einen absolut niederträchtigen Wortbruch an die Ukrainische Bevölkerung , ich schäme mich für Deutschland ‼️

  15. omfg what e lies lies lies tottal embarrassed and humiliated' News… God damit what e propagand…. Full youtobe with video about ukrains surunder Nato tanks on fire kursk region start colapse ukrain and i ukrain ukrain defence line colapse,,, omfg how embarrassed is this jurnalist

  16. I'm astonished that they still think something like this will sway the russians from supporting him. This is the same guy that had voting boxes stuffed all over the country, well before he was this popular or had such control. Much as I wish it were true, it's fantasy stuff.

  17. What will Russia do? Well they will stop the ongoing negotiations in Qua-tar about not striking any more of Ukraines energy sectors . They will also not negotiate with Ukraine at all anymore . The initial deal of Ukraine pulling out of the Donbas is now off the table. The way Russia is taking areas of Donbas it’s inevitable that it will go to Russia. Conflict could have stopped with Ukraine accepting the deal . Now Russia will take Donbas and not stop.

  18. Putin is not a world leader team player. Down with Putin and all other dictators around the world who want to destroy democracy. I stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦 💯

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