Russian troll farm

Russian troll farm

Posted by TheMemeingOfLife8008

  1. “Hello fellow Amerikans, there is no difference between Premier Trumpovich and Copmala Harris”

  2. Foreign propaganda is what congress should be investigating. Get Meta, Twitter, etc to testify under oath about the amount of foreign influence bot farms, especially before the election.

  3. So true.

    Then the propaganda points out that Republicans freed the slaves, helped enact civil rights, and are more fiscally responsible. Lies!

    Truly Russian trolls are afoot!

  4. Russian troll farm has a foothold in the BabylonBee sub. I dare anybody to go there and comment on anything even slightly disparaging against Putin or Russia. You’ll get more downvotes than shitting on Trump.

  5. 1) Gave us weekends 2) 40 hour workweek 3) Social security 4) Obamacare 5) Unions 6) Minimum wage 7) clean drinkable water 8) cleaned up rivers and lskes 9) National
    parks 10) So many more things democrats gave black people and white people , but i would need to look up items 11 to 1,537

  6. This is rampant on Instagram as well. Under every political post is a Black person with a private account with no followers speaking on behalf of all Black people.

    It’s always a pro-Trump opinion and they will block you if you try to reply to them.

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