Anti-Putin group calls on Russian soldiers to surrender following Ukraine’s incursion

Anti-Putin group calls on Russian soldiers to surrender following Ukraine’s incursion

A Russian group opposed to President Vladimir Putin is calling on soldiers to surrender.

This comes after Ukraine launched an incursion into Russian territory earlier this month, gained control of more than 80 settlements and captured more than 100 Russian troops.

Ukrainian forces have captured Russian prisoners of war as they push deeper into Russian territory.

  1. Wow….. Sky is so off the mark, it's enough for me to stop supporting this mainstream drivel… then I heard the English accent and realised the propaganda that has been false so many times and grossly off the mark from UK reporting. Sadly the West instigated this and this is supported by Professors from the US that call out the facts not this US propaganda. …… come on sky you are better than this….. All other independent reports say totally the contrary to this and also massive losses incurred by Ukraine that they can ill afford in a war of attrition…… sadly this will speed up Ukraines defeat…. and impact on Russia willingness to now come to the negotiation table. The West needs to step away from this war they instigated this is another Iraq we will see Australia on the wrong side of history again following corrupt US politics.

  2. Like bbc talk radio
    They all tell the people Ukraine is winning
    They never tell you hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians killed

  3. Even the ISW has described the UA excursion into Kursk as Syrskyi's biggest mistake!
    Meanwhile in the real world:
    Russian Defence Ministry report on repelling an invasion attempt of the AFU on the territory of the Russian Federation (16 August 2024)

    The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to repel the AFU attempt to invade the territory of the Russian Federation

    Active actions of Sever Group of Forces' units, unmanned aerial vehicles, and artillery strikes repelled an attack launched by assault detachments of the AFU 82nd Air Assault Brigade near Russkoye Porechnoye.

    One attack launched by the enemy's assault detachment supported by five armoured fighting vehicles through the State Border in the direction of Gorgeyevka was repelled.

    Army Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and artillery fire eliminated the enemy's mobile groups attempting to get to the depth of the Russian territory 1 kilometre west of Anastasiyevka and 1.5 kilometres south east of Kauchuk.

    Losses were inflicted on manpower and hardware clusters of the AFU 22nd, 61st mechanised brigades, 95th Air Assault Brigade, and 129th Territorial Defence Brigade near Aleksandriya, Snagost, Mirnoye, Kazachiya Loknya, Korenevo, Plekhovo, and Pushkarnoye.

    Near Yunakovka and Miropolye, precision missile strikes wiped out three U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS launchers, two transport-loading vehicles, and two escort vehicles.

    Operational-Tactical Aviation delivered strikes at the AFU reserves, ammunition and fuel depots near Yuriyevo, Khoten, Vorozhba, Ivolzhanka, Zhuravka, and Boyaro-Lezhachi (Sumy region).

    Over the past 24 hours, the AFU losses have amounted to 220 Ukrainian troops and 19 units of armoured hardware, including four tanks, eight armoured personnel carriers, seven armoured fighting vehicles, seven motor vehicles, three HIMARS MLRS launchers, two transport-loading vehicles, and two field artillery guns.

    Since the beginning of hostilities in Kursk region, the AFU losses have amounted to up to 2,860 Ukrainian troops, 41 tanks, 40 armoured personnel carriers, 23 infantry fighting vehicles, 213 armoured fighting vehicles, 102 motor vehicles, four SAM systems, six MLRS launchers, including three HIMARS MLRS, two transport-loading vehicles, 22 field artillery guns, and three electronic warfare stations.

    The operation to neutralise the AFU units is in progress.

  4. Putin drops Peace Talks after Kursk incursion, US gets what it wanted, to use Ukrainian lives to fight Russia until the end. Military Industrial Complex in US-NATO gets a lot of money in exchange of UKRAINIAN LIVES. Poor Ukrainians they chose to be a sacrificial lambs for the benefits of NATO.

    Russian Eastern Front is advancing day by day to Pokrovsk.

    The following might happen prior to end of war.

    1. The war will only end if Ukraine will be de-militarized. Ending the war with NATO-SIDE Ukraine will be a loose-end for Russia. So Russia will insist that Ukraine will be de-militarized.

    2. Ukraine will give up those Land that annexed by Russia.

    3. Ukraine will remain neutral for the rest of its existence.

    4. If worse come to worse, Ukraine will be land-locked. After Donbass Region, Odessa will be the next target of Russia so Odessa will be annexed too if that's happens.

  5. Sky News Australia, I'm a big supporter of your brave stances on most things… but… do you EVER actually read the comments pages ??? The only anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian, pro-World War Trans, unconditional-underdog-supporters here are the GetUp! trolls !!

  6. Well Ukraine said it was doing a logistical analysis of Russia military response if Ukraine military occupy small town on the border of Russia whilst moving military assets an troops to location
    obviously Russia would be watching via satellite live images locations of weapons facilities an bases to an from
    Basically gathering intel an will airstrike all strong holds of Ukraine military its stupid to think Russia will submit to border invasion Russia still has a military population of 1.3 million personal even more reserve an then even more that have served prior that could be constripted to service
    Russia still has 200,000 nuclear weapons in a bunker that America retracted peace treaty to build a facility to disarm war heads from cold war arms race which Donald Trump cancelled the peace treaty
    In reality Ukraine will get destroyed by Russia
    Once Ukraine industrial areas, energy facilities, communications , radio station an ports wharfs are destroyed including farms
    Ukrainian civilians will start hating Ukraine government an flee country or some will go to Russia
    If Russia missle strike military training facility in Ukraine winder how many foreign fighters from western countries are mingle in with Ukrainian military 😮
    Ukraine are a bunch of Nazi sympathizers

  7. This advance into Russia by Ukraine can also be used as a way out of the war for Putin. He can make some story up to tell his people and make him look good.
    He needs a plausible reason /way out to stop the war. Bargain the land in the deal.

  8. Let it go lefties, you lost, Russia is winning and you cannot do anything about it. Now is gonna get interesting when people will realize how you bankrupt them by sending them their money to Ukraine without their consent.

  9. I fully support President Putin and the Russian people protecting their borders from NATO and being incircled I love America but we started this.

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