Train drivers’ pay has grown twice as much as wages for teachers, doctors and soldiers

Train drivers’ pay has grown twice as much as wages for teachers, doctors and soldiers

by Low_Map4314

  1. “The £24,544 pay rise since 2011 far outpaces the £8,793 increase for new nurses, £10,062 for new teachers and £8,186 for Army privates.”

    Who would have thought that the pay of experienced skilled workers that are unionised would rise faster than the pay of people new to their respective industries.

  2. Who would have thought that having a powerful union who isn’t scared to bare it’s teeth would actually work for the little guy.

  3. When you start with shitty pay, you need a bigger pay rise than those with less shitty pay, to arrive at a reasonable level.

  4. Very important jobs deserve appropriate remuneration. How much do bus drivers get. How much do HGV drivers get. How much do Tr drivers get.

  5. Would be nice if they did the whole working part of the equation though.

    I kid, but Jesus me and mine have had bad luck with trains arriving late or being cancelled of late.

  6. Kinda funny, as do we ‘really need’ train drivers? I may be being overly, overly simplistic – but trains only go forward and backwards along a track… surely they could be 100% automated? Countries are attempting to make / implement driverless cars, surely that is 1,000,000 times harder.

  7. Teachers, doctors and soldiers are massively underpaid and have been for a long time. Train drivers earning less wouldn’t fix that. Train driver salaries since 2010 have increased inline with inflation, about the same amount as MPs in fact (about 32%). The reality is you need to be militant and fight for pay rises or you get shat on by politicians who are quite happy to line their own pockets.

  8. So blame privatisation then, as it’s the root cause.

    None of the private companies wanted to train new drivers, so wages increased to attract qualified drivers from their rivals.

    When I worked for Central Trains, new drivers had a contractual obligation to stay 3 years after training and once that was up, they’d start looking at the other companies that had higher wages.

    Under British Rail a driver was paid a bit more than a guard, now they’re on double.

  9. Yep. So now it’s more cost effective to automate everything and soon the train drivers along with their union will have to eat a giant delicious dick.

  10. It always amazes me/ makes me despair that people look at this information and can see it as a criticism of train drivers rather than anything else.

  11. More ‘hate the train drivers’ shite from those who want to divide working people.

    Could it possibly be that teachers’, doctors’ and soldiers’ wages has been allowed to fall in value way beyond what’s acceptable, while train drivers have managed to secure a fair pay settlement.

    If it’s so easy and overpaid to drive a train, why did train operating companies struggle to recruit and retain drivers? Why were trains being cancelled left, right and centre because of driver shortages?

  12. I hate this countries mentality. Rise up don’t beat down. Mps wages have increased I bet the journalist who wrote this articles wages have increased. Railway unions have power if the teachers, doctors and soldiers had this union power they would earn more. But it would be twisted to say they can’t do this it’s vocational. They should just do it for the love. People’s live are at stake. If this is true then they should be paid more. Everyone working in the UK should be paid more. People are working full time and getting subsidised by the government with uc.

    The people running this shit show get richer and everyone else gets poorer. But you lot make comparisons about hgv drivers or whatever.

    If train companies keep making profit why shouldn’t staff get a cut.

    Fuck the torygraph.

  13. Meanwhile, in reality, their jobs could be completely automated.

    And we wonder why rail fares are ridiculously expensive in the UK.

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