silently ignores me when I try to order a sim card without giving any explanation. Is it legal in Germany?

I decided to try and ordered a sim card on 25.07.2024. They sent me a link to my email where I can check the status of my order. So, now more than 3 weeks have passed and there haven't been any updates after the status "Your order has been recorded" (Dein Auftrag wurde erfasst).

In the first week, I thought that it could took around a week for them to deliver a sim card. When two weeks passed, I decided to contact their support via contact form on their website and I got a response that my e-mail is not registered in their system and they could not answer my request:

Then I decided to try to call their support number, but they didn't give me any reasonable response as they told me that I was not registered in their system and they weren't able to help me. By the way, when you make an order on their website they don't give you any kind of order ID or something like that you can to refer to, except for some internal link that you can use to check the order.

Then I thought that might be they lost my order in some way and made another order a week ago, but the situation repeats itself.

I live in Berlin for almost 2 years and have a residence permit and a German IBAN, an absolutely clean Schufa. I was really surprised by the fact that just ignored me without giving any meaningful explanation.

After all that, obviously, I'm no longer interested in having a contract with such a company. However, all that behavior looks shady to me, and I'd like to find out what is going on. Did anyone have a similar experience with them? Is it legal to do like that in Germany? Are there any means to deal with that?

by ksofiyuk

1 comment
  1. As long as they didn’t take your money and then ghosted you, sure it’s legal.

    I can’t tell you why they ignored you, but everybody has the right to choose who they form a contract with. Just as can’t force you into a contract, you can’t force into a contract.

    (excluding discrimination based on gender, sex, age, e.t.c.)

    Best to just take your money somewhere else.

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