Russia launches dozens of strikes on Sumy | Ukraine War

Russia launches dozens of strikes on Sumy | Ukraine War

Russia has hit the neighbouring Sumy region of Ukraine with dozens of drone, missile and artillery strikes.

It comes as Ukraine continues its offensive in the Kursk region of Russia.

Sky News was in the city of Sumy to see the damage the strikes had caused.

Full story:

#ukrainerussiawar #sumy #kursk

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  1. I think it's good that Sky News is going to speak directly to people who have been affected by missile strikes. I feel that we've seen images like the aftermath of this strike so frequently that we've almost become desensitised to it. Hearing those people talk of their terror, how they felt as though they were moments away from death, it's moving in a way that simply seeing people milling about in ruins cannot ever be.

    Let's hope that this war can be brought to a conclusion swiftly.

  2. I know Russia, and I love mother Russia. The 2020-2024 War, will probably only end with A new Hiroshima. It looks like all the super powers have now been invited to exhibit their Atom weapons.

  3. Putin will eventually have no choice but to respond with vigour. This will weaken his army around Crimea.
    Until then, Ukraine will go deeper into "vulnerable Russia" unless it is dealt with.
    Putin is headed for that zone between a rock and a hard place. That 'zone' will be quicksand.

  4. In 2013 EU and Russia were negotiating closer trade co operation , visa free travel from Kerry to the Kurils and Gazprom was considering more CNG facilities into EU and who put the stick in the spooks of that wheel using the Ukrainians a year later who were split between East mainly Russians of descent and West who supported the EU and were considering joining EU and America could not except Ukraine joining the Eurasian Union and spent 5 billion usd according to Victoria Nuland from 1991 to 2014 when Yanukovych was in power friendly to Russia and EEU , and America had a similar problem if EU controlled Ukrainian exports and imports with no EU US trade agreement that the EU rejected TTIP 2016 and India , China and Russia and other countries have the same problem even after ten years of war in Ukraine and now in Russia and the British will have with the EU EC if the Commonwealth and the USA try to make GB trade agreements and cannot make UK trade agreements with the EU protocol as BRICS have with EU now been excluded from Ukraine trade agreements if Zelensky lost control of their borders money and laws to EU .

    When the Russians , Ukraine agree to the American peace proposals similar to 2014 that the Russians would of been in agreement with , Federal Government , and our American Good Friday reforms excluding Crimea the Russian s have the power to divide NATO , EU and Ukraine with peace and not war very similar to Irish Free State after the treaty 6 December 1921 when there were no British troops in the 26 counties that resulted in Irish Civil war 1922-23.

  5. One thing the last week has shown is that the rank and file of the West have no fear of open war with Russia. NATO's leaders would not follow a course of escalation that can only result in direct confrontation if they did not have popular support. Look at the plethora of new NATO equipment on display inside Russia: the few tanks are old, but virtually every wheeled armored vehicle I've seen over the past week is brand new. Canadian Senator APCs?? When has Russia ever threatened Canada??
    Western analysts say this "surge" is to force Russia into more favorable negotiations, but when in the last century has Russia responded to escalation with capitulation??? At Stalingrad, the Germans had come so close to victory, they actually had the victorious battle patches made for Gen. Von Paulus' 6th Army. Those patches are still in the boxes in which they were shipped 80 years ago; never made it onto the uniforms of the German soldiers…."

  6. स्वर्गकाे नियम परमेश्वरकाे सत्यको समय आज मिति : २साल/४ महिना भदौ /२ गते ७ बार शुक्रबार आशिक काे दिन हाे।

    हे बाईजन भरिकाे नेता हाे। सिङ्गो बाईजन सात अञ्चल हुनेछ।सिङ्गो अञ्चल भनेको बाईजनर हाे।सिङ्गो बाईजनमा चाइना रुस अमेरिका क्यानडा बेलायत जापान उत्तर काेरिया भारत नेपाल इज्राएल इरान गाजा साउदी कतार विश्वमा जति ठुलो र शक्तिशाली देश छ।तिनिहरु धर्म युद्ध गर्ने छन् ।त्याे देशहरूमा जनताहरुकाे जस्काे धेरै % धर्म छ।त्यसले युद्ध जित्ने छन् ।याे सत्य आउने लडाइँ हाे।विश्वले जति थपडी मारेपनि अरु देशको भन्दा धेरै धर्म चाहिँ अमेरिकाको जनता संङग धेरै % धर्म छ।अमेरिकाले विश्वलाई रेफ्रीकाे हिसाबले खबरदारी गरेको छ।धर्मकै लडाइँ गर्ने हाे भने याे संसारमा कस्तो अबस्था आउला ? अब धर्मको लडाइँ हुदैछ।धर्म भनेको यस्तो चिज हाे कि बंम बारुद गाेला गाेली जस्तो हाेइन।याे हेर्दा देखिदैन याे अदृश्य शक्ति हाे।परमेश्वरकाे नियम अनुसार जस्ले काम गरेको छ ।राजनीतिक गरेको छ ।धर्म गरेको छ ।अब छर्लङ्ग छुटिन्छ। हिन्दु र सनातन धर्मले सबैभन्दा म धार्मिक हुँम भन्छ।बाैध्दिष्ठले मुस्लमानले पनि त्यही भन्छ।क्रिस्चियनले पनि त्यही भन्छ।अब कुन धर्म कति धार्मिक हाे भनेर हेर्ने फैसला आयो।जाेले पनि मेरै धर्म राम्रो भन्छ।अब हेर कुन धर्म राम्रो हाे? संसारमा मान्छेकाे हुदाे धर्म मानेको अमेरिका मात्रै हाे।अरु सबै वीर पापकाे हुदाे मानेको हाे।परमेश्वरकाे हुदाे त संसारमा कुनै देशले पनि मानेको छैन।याे कलि कसरी चलेको रैछ र धर्म गुरु कहाँ रैछ? र कुन धर्मकाे गुरु अहिलेसम्म सत्य बाेलेकाे रैछ ? तिमिहरु ले थाहा पाउने छाै।कसैको सर्पाेट गरेर ठुलाेसानाे म स्थिर बाहानी बन्दिन।जस्ले ढाटछल गरेर बाईजनमा शासन गर्छ।श्री ७ काे सरकार स्वर्गकाे परमेश्वरकाे पुत्र माहाराजा बाईजन अर्लि ले ठाडो हुकुम गर्छु ढाटेर पापकाे शासन गर्ने भष्मै हाेस।

  7. Ukraine claimed that the KUrsk attack was to prevent Russia from attacking south of Kursk so I guess Russia is just trying to prove them wrong.

  8. The Marshall Plan and the Cold War.. WOULD NOT HAPPEN!! If Trump and Putin were in power!! Trump promised me Greenland🇬🇱 and I hope🤞trump trades full US.sovereignty over Greenland for Donbas. Russia🇷🇺 will NOT claim any part of Arctic Greenland in exchange for US.recognition of Donbas as RUSSIAN TERRITORY!!!!!

  9. lol, the stupid west thought that Russia was paralyzed due to the 30 km incursion.
    well, they still dont know what Russia is and can do if they want to , despite the 45 years of cold war.

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