Lol. Trump rally casting call in PN today.

After seeing an abnormally large crowd at his rally today, thought I would take a look so. Lo and behold.

Guess they need to keep up with the Harris'.

Posted by nettiemaria7

  1. Cool, Kevin Sorbo, Dean Cain, and Scott Baio can finally get their first acting gig in years. 

  2. Is this shit real?

    If so, it will make national news. They’re posting in “talent gigs”

  3. Successful applicants will be paid in expired mail-order steaks, or gaudy Air Force One knockoffs( subject to employer’s complete satisfaction), and transportation will be provided( it may be required to find your own transportation afterward in the event of inclimate weather, you will not be notified if this occurs).

  4. Watched a bit of his rally on TikTok. Wondered if he would bring up any legitimate talking points that might boost his campaign.

    All he talked about was men in women’s sports and building a giant iron dome over PA

  5. That’s not a large crowd. I’ve seen panning shots of the arena and it’s perhaps a third full. So many empty seats.

  6. These are funny but literally anyone can post literally anything on Craigslist, don’t take the bait and believe this stuff

  7. Funny how Trump keeps saying repeatedly that Harris is paying people to show up as if it’s a bad thing. Projection is his only tool.

  8. Compensation: variable.

    So “we don’t want to put a price in writing in case we stiff you.”

  9. Well, well… Must be a US citizen to attend his rally but not clean his Mar-a-Lago toilets. 

  10. Not the first time I have seen an ad like that, his rally today had a LOT of empty seats.

  11. I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but there’s no way in hell this is real.

    This stinks of misinformation to me.

  12. There is 0% chance this is real. Trump supporters posted a similar fake Craigslist posting about Kamala “hiring supporters” for a rally, and they were (rightfully) laughed out of the room. Posting shit like this and pretending like it’s real while getting thousands of upvotes is a terrible look.

  13. Why are people actually falling for this like it’s legitimate? This is either fake or a scam.

    Come on, we can do better…

    And to those saying it’s real: actually apply and go through the process then you can very quickly prove me wrong.

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