‘More empty seats’: Reporter shows people ‘trickling out of’ Trump’s rally as he’s talking

‘More empty seats’: Reporter shows people ‘trickling out of’ Trump’s rally as he’s talking


Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. Maybe they had to get back home in time for when their parole officer makes a house check.

  2. That sucks, even after Trump offered them a limited edition pair of trump 3 dollar bills, for the low low price of 5 payments of 19.95!? C’mon Trump don’t lose heart, just do another press conference, drink another diet Coke, have a bowl of ketchup, no time to rest or sleep, keep going.

  3. Rawstory is utter crap – any large stadium has people walking up and down the aisles the whole time. These people could easily be trying to get into the seats that are actually facing the stage (the area shown looks like it is a terrible viewing angle)

    I am desperate for trump to lose, but rawstory’s pathetic proaganda is not helpful

  4. Amazing that people would even show up for that nonsense. Just a cry baby whining.

  5. Oh my gosh how can they stand that. I decided to watch it he justxdroned on an on. The idiot crazy babble was in full blown mania.

  6. Probably started leaving when he called them out as North Carolina instead of Pennsylvania.

  7. Like leaving a concert before the encore to beat the traffic. “Let’s go. We heard sharks and Hannibal Lecter. We don’t need to hear Build the Wall and Lock Her Up again!” 

  8. These people did not want to believe how effing senile, senseless, rambling, incoherent and boring he is until they saw it first hand.

  9. See ya !!! Maybe just maybe they got hit with a bolt of sanity and seen the fake ass person he is !!

  10. Do they get paid just to show up? Or do they have to stay for a certain amount of time?

  11. It’s sad when wanting to beat the traffic outweighs hearing what your delusional leader has to say.

    Not a promising sign for him at all.

  12. Even my Qanon obsessed family is starting to question their savior Trump. That’s a great sign.

  13. Since when does having to be home at a certain time or need to use the restroom indicate how a campaign is going? I find this article childish, grabbing at straws. So silly and waste of brain cells.

  14. Nice job DonOld! Even the people you paid to sit there are leaving 😂🤣😂🤣🖕🖕

  15. You mean people don’t want to stick around for every second of a two hour, rambling, rage fest?

  16. #He just rambles incoherently while making the same hate-filled statements he has said the past 8 years.  The rally attendees have heard most of his crap before.

    He still hasn’t laid out that Healthcare plan he claimed was so great, which he said would replace the Affordable Care Act.  He doesn’t have a plan for the southern border (after being the man who made Republicans kill the bipartisan border security bill.)  The wall was not built, and Mexico certainly didn’t pay for it.  

    It’s just “I’m so great, here are a bunch of lies about immigrants and liberals.”

  17. How did he afford this venue? Thought he was out of money & owes everyone? Also thought he was taking a break before the DNC 😂😂😂

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