Scariest things about European countries

Scariest things about European countries

by FrostyDog1312

  1. I love how most countries have a joke but Belgium has a serieal murderer/kidnapper/childmolester, who’s still alive (in prison). Puts into perspective how bad he actually was

  2. “People in your personal space” seems to be randomly assigned to any Nordic country whenever these kinds of maps are made. This time it was Norway’s turn.

  3. I can’t understand as an Albanian myself how our beautiful accursed mountains/Albanian Alps are something scary. Very weird whoever makes those maps.

  4. Ireland: a random small festival in a small part of Dublin that is even spelt incorrectly.,

  5. If you think Berliners on MDMA are the scariest thing out there, you’ve not spent more than 3 days in Berlin

  6. I’m pretty sure nobody expect dutchies understand “urk”, but it made me laugh way to hard.

  7. For Serbians the scariest thing will be that things will remain as they are right now for the next 100 years.
    Which they will unfortunately.

  8. Is it supposed to be what the people of that country afraid of the most or what foreigners are afraid of when they go to that country? Some of these don’t make sense either way.

  9. Actually it’s somehow Estonians and not the Finnish who are deadly afraid of a sauna being too cold. As a Finnish person who has been to Estonian saunas many times, they are somehow always almost too hot. Maybe they just think “better warm up the sauna really hot for the Finns”, I don’t know. Estonians are the hot sauna masters.

  10. I lolled at medusa of greece. I mean yes meduse is scary but also medusa resided on a fantasy island off the coast of either turkiye or libia, not in midern day greece

  11. We are not scared of rejoining the EU.

    We are scared of giving up the pound for the Euro and free movement.

    I think the difference the UK has is because it’s an Island. People in mainland Europe just drive around to their neighbouring countries and do so frequently in comparison.

    I don’t know why but I think being separated makes the UK seem attractive for some reason. Like it’s a goal to reach.

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