Donald Trump Mocked for Saying He’s ‘Better Looking’ Than Kamala Harris

Donald Trump Mocked for Saying He’s ‘Better Looking’ Than Kamala Harris

Posted by z8675309z

  1. Stop giving this Dumpy idiot any attention. Let the news figure out that his shit no longer generates clicks.

  2. Is that the only thing he can come up with in his stunted12 year old mind? What a joke he is becoming with his pubescent mind set and his childish put down comments. Are we all still in Jr. High? Grow the f up! Aren’t his grown kids embarrassed if him????

  3. He’s better looking. But she is beautiful and reminds him of his wife. While rubbing his hands around his daughters ass.

  4. Maybe he ate some of the bear meat that RFK ate. Bear meat has parasitic cells throughout!
    I wonder if parasitic treatment for dogs would be a good Rx for these two???? 😂

  5. I see he’s focusing on policy… 

    Or maybe old man Trump just shit himself again.

  6. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 93%. (I’m a bot)
    > In a turn of events that has become increasingly common in the 2024 presidential race, former President Donald Trump has once again ignited controversy with his latest remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris.

    > Today, Trump is talking about how he's better looking than she is, about how beautiful it is to say that we are a "Failing nation" and about TiVo.

    > Donald Trump can't beat Kamala on the issues so he's reverting to attacks on her physical appearance.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~692539 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Trump**^#1 **Harris**^#2 **President**^#3 **policy**^#4 **Kamala**^#5

  7. Trump won second place in a beauty contest…

    A German Shepherd’s shaved asshole won first prize.  

  8. Neither of them are my type but hey i’ll take laughing, dancing and vibing over slurring, racism-ing (?), and fearmongering anyway. Id turn straight if my choices were trump or no one. he rapes his partners

  9. This is just… unbelievable. Except it’s Trump, so I guess it’s just plain gross, not unbelievable.

  10. Trump saying “I think she’ll be a terrible president” is a tell that he doesn’t think he will win.

  11. This is about race. He’s hinting at racial superiority without saying it explicitly. The white supremacists are supporting him. And those who aren’t racists and are repunlicans will just gloss over it. 

  12. I suppose this was after he gushe how beautiful she was on the Time Magazine cover🫣

  13. This insecure candy 🌽 is so threatened by a smart women that he tried to pump himself up by putting her down.
    It so reminds me of a lot of immature, insecure high school boys I use to have to put up with in school. These put down comments only make him, once again, show how insecure and miserable he is with himself.

  14. Wait, he actually said that? I thought that was a satire post. Fuck that demented pedo.

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