I felt a great disturbance in Fr*nce as if millions of Pierres suddenly cried out in terror.

I felt a great disturbance in Fr*nce as if millions of Pierres suddenly cried out in terror.

by Euphoric_Ad_69

  1. Why would you do that? I know that it’s being said that every bread’s final step of evolution is to become croissant-like (which is false, it’s actually becoming bretzel-like) but this is just wrong.

  2. It’s a shame because they very look like good french croissant. If they were one of those disgusting croissants things that could be found in your barbaric countries, at least we could have let it pass.

  3. This smashburger thing has got too stupid for words.

    And let’s be honest the thing that hurts the french the most is the use of that plastic cheese

  4. Can you really be offended at stupid?

    The point of smash burgers is a greater crust to meat ratio. This guy just smashed it on the croissant – there won’t be a crust on one side of the patty.

    And he doesn’t season it at all. Waste of meat and croissants.

    Pierre, if you choose to riot because of this excuse for a burger, I understand.

  5. Why do you want to permeate fluffy, crispy croissants with grease from the meat and cheese, like how would that improve the taste??

    Now I’m craving a good croissant and it’s impossible to find in asia without paying $$$$

  6. If USA should be defined, this video would sum it up perfectly. Take something that is not yours, use violence at some point, add anything you find “tasty” (“too much fat” mistaken for “tasty” but anyway), do it extra extra large, display it as a piece a art, and brag about it for multi audiences.

  7. Marcello, hand me the carabina.

    The Fr*nch need redemption. And for once we’re on their side.

    Blood will run for this.

  8. Why though? You can just use any old dough for this if you’re just going to squish it anyway. Even a burger bun or something. Why a croissant?

  9. This looks so good, don’t be afraid to experiment with food, how do you think your traditional cuisines originally came to be anyway, people tried shit.

  10. You guys comments are also very scary, why are you guys supporting us ? What happened to all the “eww fr*ch lmao white flag” ? It isnt the kind of narcissist patern where you act all loving then you start the bullying again right ?

  11. It’s okay they’re not real croissants they have the same ingredients as a cardboard box in merica

  12. People in here are way too offended by this, I bet it tasted great.

    There are so many worse food crimes, just because he used a croissant instead of a bun doesn’t mean it’s a cardinal sin. There’s lots of fat in a croissant, I bet it crisped up amazingly. I would have smashed the patty on both sides on its own though, then smashed the croissant and combined.
    Not better than a normal burger but I’d eat the shit out of it.

  13. Ok, that’s it. We’re getting the statue of liberty back, and burning everything on the way.

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