A Ukrainian soldier gives his rations to a young Russian child in the Kursk region – August 2024

A Ukrainian soldier gives his rations to a young Russian child in the Kursk region – August 2024

by T-72Tank

  1. Parental instinct is strong everywhere.

    During ww2 neighbor always got sent to the SS compound everyone was afraid of, to beg for food. He was 10 and always got something like butter, or once even 1 loaf of bacon.

  2. Them fascists at it again, giving water to the thirsty and feeding kids, buying their trust with money!

  3. The best thing in this is: he’s keeping distance and staying away from his personal space. Might sound like a small thing, but it’s very significant

  4. Russia bombs children’s hospitals and Ukraine protects their enemy’s civilians. Truly amazing.

  5. How common is it that clean water has to be brought in? Before the Ukrainian’s came did they just wait in line for a tanker from Russia or did infrastructure get damaged?

  6. imagine the mind fuck of being told for years, 24/7 how bad and evil Ukrainian is and then they arrive only to treat them like their own.

    They are literally taking a page out of every axis powers book from ww2 , shits crazy. Id bet they were hoping the citizens would just throw themselves off a cliff too like they did on Okinawa 😴😴

    Theres no way this war makes sense unless the purpose is to reduce the russian population.

  7. I don’t think this video is fake or anything judging by the blue truck carrying water they have the ∆ symbol to mark as friendly belonging to Ukrainians so that way they aren’t mistaken for Russians whenever a ukrainian drone operator spots it driving around occupied Ukrainian territory

  8. This type of behavior and treatment will do much more damage to the Russia then the invasion itself. Them just doing the right thing speaks volumes.

  9. The wee laddie will remember this the rest of his life and will tell his wee pals this story after the war is over a small gesture that will have a huge impact in the years to come well done big man 👍

  10. Russian in Ukraine territory: treat people like shit.
    Ukrainian in Russia territory: treat people with dignity.

  11. Meanwhile.. the Russians are raping and killing 10 year old Ukrainian girls and women.

  12. Makes me cry. And the previous video was of a Russian putting a Ukrainian head on a spike; what a juxtaposition of morals.

  13. I know these are being recorded for PR purposes, but this is something you would *never* see from the Russian side.

    Russia does not value life.

  14. Should have blurred out the kid’s face. FSB is going to break his legs now. Fucking monsters.

  15. That dude is the Hulk, Did you see he has blown out the entire back of the uniform, .035

  16. Handing out treats rather than a live hand grenade will earn the respect from the locals.

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