Fresh UK prisons crisis as riots lead to fears of overcrowding

Fresh UK prisons crisis as riots lead to fears of overcrowding

by topotaul

  1. This is actually great allows them all to be easily converted to islam and for the englidh loonies to become there own worse fear /s.

  2. Sounds like we need to release more murderers to make room for people imprisoned for hurty words

  3. Maybe if we focus on rehabilitating and treating the root causes of crime this wouldn’t be an issue.

  4. How about stop arresting people for posting memes.

    But nah the taxpayer gets to pay for the governments stupid decisions as per usual.

  5. Idiot country. Throwing a guy in jail for over a year for “insulting Allah.”

    Subjects, not citizens. Thank God for the first and second amendments in the US.

  6. Isn’t there some large boats we can use as prisons? 

    Could accidently sail it to a certain country as well. 

    We don’t want criminals from other counties.

  7. What I don’t get about all of this: yes sure, inciting violence is bad right. But sharing a meme is sharing a meme, how can you legally determine whether someone posted something in jest or actually meant it? And if you go down that road then how do you police, say a comedian? Then how do you police say, an amateur comedian making jokes about Israel or 9/11 or terrorist or kiddy fiddlers. Like where does the line get drawn?

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