PM Tusk responds to alleged Polish complicity in NordStream sabotage

PM Tusk responds to alleged Polish complicity in NordStream sabotage

by Substantial_Pie73

  1. >“To all the initiators and patrons of NordStream 1 and 2. The only thing you should do today about it is apologise and keep quiet,” he wrote on the X social media platform.

  2. >The sentiment expressed by the PM is shared by the officials at the presidential palace – not an obvious matter given the uneasy cohabitation between the broad coalition government composed of parties ranging from center-right liberal to left and the head of state elected on a right-wing conservative ticket and seen as an ally of the largest opposition party in parliament and former ruling party, Law and Justice (PiS).

    >Jacek Siewiera, head of the National Security Bureau with the office of the president of Poland responded to the PM’s tweet, saying:

    >“Bad news for the addressees: there is an [sic] rock-solid consensus in Poland on this matter as well.”

  3. This shows that ideas such as an “Ever Closer Union”, an EU army or similar things are stupid. We can’t even trust our EU “allies” to not support attacks on our infrastructure.
    More money should be invested in our domestic economy and our military and not in gifts to other EU countries. Poland in particular gets far too much, even though they obviously don’t need it, judging by their recent military spending.

    But Germany is simply far too weak. Instead of asking a uncooperative Poland for help with the arrest, they should have caught the suspect themselves and brought him over the border.

  4. interesting he did not say ‘_we didn’t do it_’ he just deflected.

    As a reminder how semantics were dissected by redditors when Scholz said ‘_we must make sure Russia does not win_’ which clearly must have meant he was pro-Russian since he did not say ‘_Ceterum censeo Rutheniam (right declination?) esse delendam_’ like they wanted.

  5. People on reddit and in poland really took the bait here…

    I wouldn’t be surprised if this Hanning fella has some “spicy” (AfD for example) sympathies.

  6. They must be laughing their asses off in the CIA office now. Americans know how to make Europeans jump at each other’s throats.

  7. Basically he said: ” It doesn’t matter whether we did it or not, what matters is that you shut the fuck up”

  8. They actually did it, got caught and are now lecturing the germans about it. I am normally anti-german since the EU debt crisis but this is crazy, germany can’t ever trust their own allies now.

    If I were german this would make me seriously consider supporting the withdrawl of all german NATO/EU support for eastern europe.

  9. Lmao, the guy basically just said RIP Bozo in a few more words and now we have bunch of German redditors claiming he just confessed to being behind the pipeline being blown up? All he said was that it would be better if Germany focused on why and how NS2 was even built and the failings of their policies towards Russia. Although full disclosure I wouldn’t care if that was Poland’s doing, US, Ukraine’s or whomever’s. Come blow up Yamal if it makes you feel better I guess.

  10. The Polish being the usual broke ass patsies cosplaying tough boy in the interlude between getting a beating and the next.

  11. Last time I checked, Poland was still consuming a thousand barrels of LPG a day. Where’s all that gas coming from, I wonder?

  12. This thread turns into a fist fight in few topics. I hardly doubt Polish goverment would do something like that against important business partner which Germany is for sure. From that perspective there was to much to lose and not that much to gain.
    Who ever did that, did Poland a favor, but there is no doubt he should be held accountable for it.

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