Chinese gymnast Zhou Yaqin gets back to her job in a restaurant after winning silver medal in the 2024 Olympics

Chinese gymnast Zhou Yaqin gets back to her job in a restaurant after winning silver medal in the 2024 Olympics

Posted by guyoffthegrid

  1. do they have her in her Chinese National Team clothes for the money? or are theses not pics from her working?

  2. People do realize olympians are human right? They train in their spare time, and very very few earn significant sponsorship money, so they work normal ass jobs.

    Athletes pay is directly tied to ad-dollars spent watching their sport. So unless they are football players, basketball players, tennis players, or another world touring sport with a moving crowd, the athlete is likely living a very average life.

  3. Very few athletes are rolling in gold. It’s admirable that they have a full training schedule in addition to their job.

  4. One of the most fascinating things about the Olympics is how you have multi-millionaire athletes in “mainstream” sports like football/soccer, basketball, tennis and golf, and then you have athletes, who can blend in seamlessly with the general population. But they all share common ground by being the best in the world at their respective sports, competing on the Olympic stage.

    Unless you’re at the very top of the sport, or manage to land endorsements/sponsorships some other way, the rank-and-file Olympian lives a pretty normal life.

  5. It is a Chinese culture. Many of them prefer to support and work for family businesses.

  6. She was so adorable on that podium. One of my favorite Olympic moments ever. So darn cute 🥰

  7. Anyone whose parents owned a small business can relate to her experience, especially those of asian descendant 😂 Olympic champion or not, you’re still your parents’ best helper after all.

  8. I honestly think this is for publicity(and that’s fine if it is). I’m saying that because a lot of sports in China, including gymnastics, use centralized systems. If you are on the national team, that is your job, and you live and work in Beijing where their national sports facility is.

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